☂️part 13☂️

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☂️Diego's POV☂️
We are talking about how to stop the apocalypse but I just keep thinking about y/n she's heart broken again

☂️time skip because I'm lazy and fives POV ☂️
I go into where you send out missions I nock out the manager of the place and send an thing at says for cha cha and hazel to kill eachother and send them out

"You know that's not how we do things here"I turn around to see the handler watching me I lean on the tubes

"Where's Gloria"she ask

"Don't know couldn't find her anywhere"I say and shrug

"Your an great disappointment to me you can't change what's to come five I truly find it odd that's you can shed this fantasy your a first rate pragmatist you belong here with us"she says

"I don't belong anywhere thanks to you you made me and killer"i says

"You were always a killer"she says taking her gun out

"I just pointed out in a direction" I teleport away I see her walking towards me

"What's the rush five we are just getting started"I hide then teleport I front of her she runs out of ammo I teleport be hind her and take the ring off the grenade and throw it at her I run out and hide behind a wall from the explosion then teleport to go get a case and blow up the case room I teleport back to the academy and fall on the table and take Allison's coffee they ask me who did this I tell them it's irrelevant

"So the apocalypse is in three days the only chance we have to save our world is well us

"The umbrella academy"luther says

"Yeah but with me absolutely so if y'all don't get your sideshow acts together and get over yourselves we're screwed who cares if dad messed us up?are we going to let that define us?"I say Klaus shakes his head no

"No and to give us an fighting chance to see next week I've came back with a lead I know who's responsible for the apocalypse"I hand the paper to Allison I noticed y/n isn't there

"This is who we have to stop"I say

"Harold Jenkins?"allison ask

"Who the hell is Harold Jenkins?" Diego ask

"I don't know yet"I say throwing the empty coffee cup

"But I do know he's responsible for the apocalypse so we have to find him and we have to do it now"I say okay where the hell is y/n I miss her like hell already and it's only been one night I'm afraid she's not going to forgive me

"How is he connected to what's gonna happen"Luther ask

"I don't know"I say

"Wait so you just know his name"Diego says walking up to me

"That's it"he ask he looks pissed with me for no reason

"That's enough"I say

"There's probably a dozens of Harold Jenkins in the city"Diego says

"Well we just better start looking then"I say Diego rolls his eyes

"I'm sorry am I the only one that's skeptical here I mean how exactly do you know all of this about a name"Allison ask I feel my cut on my stomach hurting

"Harold Jenkins you know this lunatics I'm masks who attack the house?"i say

"Oh yeah I think I remember those guys"Klaus says

"The the ones that attack us while you where getting drunk and breaking y/n's heart"Diego says what the hell is he talking about Wait does that mean she's heart broken

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