☂️Part 9☂️

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☂️Y/n Pov☂️
"Klaus get the fuck out"five says Klaus runs out five kisses my head I smile we get up and get changed he looks at me straight in the eyes

"Y/n we need to talk about something and you have to be honest okay"five says I look down and nod five lifts up my head

"Y/n why do you always look down"he says fuck should I tell him no he think I'm weird and leave me but it's five we are talking about I love him fuck I'll tell him

"Y/n please answer so I could help you"he says I nod

"What do you want to know about it"I ask

"Everything I just want to know why you look down so much so I can help you"he says

"The reason I look down so much is because I'm and embarrassment to this family and everyone"I say I start to tear up

"I don't have confident my self when ever I say stuff I feel like I should of just been quiet and I'm really insecure okay is that what you want to hear"I kinda yell the last part i start crying five hugs me

"Love why don't you have confidence and why are you insecure"he says I look down again

"B-because of dad h-h would tell me I was the reason you left and I was the reason why everthing bad happened and when I would try to speak he would tell me to be quiet because my opinion doesn't matter and anything I would say doesn't matter"I start crying more I feel my knees go weak I fall to the ground crying five sits on the ground and hugs me again

"And I'm insecure because Luther would always call me ugly and fat and I don't know I just think I'm and embarrassment to you and the family"I say then I start to cry in his chest

☂️Five POV☂️
I feel so bad I know it will take a lot of work but I need to show y/n how to love her self again she's my world and I can't lose her because our dad gave her less confidence and more insecurities fuck I wish I was there for her

"Darling we just need to make you love your self again"I say she looks at me confused

"You are a beautiful and amazing girl that shouldn't be afraid to talk okay I love you and this will take a lot of work because dad really made you believe your worthless but your not okay so will you help me make you happy again"I say she looks at me and smiles a little she nods I kiss her she kisses back

☂️y/n POV☂️
Five said I have to learn to love me self again but I don't know if that even possible but I will try my hardest for him I feel really tired throw probably from all the crying

"Five can we c-cuddle I'm tired"I ask he looks at me

"Of course love but only for a little bit then we have to go to the eye place again"he says I nod we both get up and walk over to his bed he lays down and opens his arms I crawl into them and put my head on his chest i here him humming a little tune I listen he plays with my hear I start to feel really drowsy and then I fall asleep

☂️30 minutes later☂️
I wake up with five gently shaking me we get up off the bed

"Five,y/n are you up stairs"I hear someone yell it sounds like Vanya I hear footsteps five doesn't care he just grabs me and takes me and him to look out the window then Vanya comes in

"Oh thank god"I hear her say five looks at her

"I was worried sick about you two"she says I give her a smile

"Sorry we left without saying goodbye"five says I look down ashamed that I didn't even say good bye five grabs my chin to make me look up again he smiles at me

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