All Tears Fall Silent

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"You're such a freak!!" Everyone else laughed hysterically. Everyone but her. For a split second her lungs tightened up and she couldn't feel herself breathing, but she knew she was..Her eyes automatically drop to the ground, dying to find a speck or something to keep her focus on. Tears pricked at the outside of her eyes but she knew she couldn't let them see her this way.. Completely vulnerable.

So she did the only thing she could think of, turned on her famous defense mechanism, the only one she knows quite well. She laughed.

You're probably wondering... Why she's being so dramatic! It was just a joke, right?? Wrong. It might've been a joke to everyone else, an obvious one! But to her it was just a kick to her gut, while she's already lying on the ground, having her cruel death slowly dragged out, the true misery caused by none other than her worse enemy:herself.


She thought nobody saw her, the real her. I mean, there were minor bits and pieces she'd show people she respected here and there... But she still had nobody

Every day was like a routine: wake up from a shitty 3 hour sleep, make the largest amount of coffee her frail body could possibly intake, put her hair up into a crummy pony tail and all of those other necessities, and lastly to use powder foundation to make somewhat of an attempt to hide the deep dark circles under her warn-out eyes.

Next: Hurry off to school, most likely being a few minutes late anyways but that's not really in her control, all she can do is look at her shoes as she walks into the classroom and pretend she doesn't see the stares and hears the whispers, as she hurries over to her seat in the far back.

The rest of the day basically drags on like the death of road kill, whoa! Where did that analogy come from?? Eh, oh well.

Then she waits after school.... And waits..... Till she can get picked up and go home where she won't fall asleep, not easily at least. And the cycle repeats again.

But this story, her story, is not quite as boring as seems.... Maybe somebody can save her during her last moments of welcomed-life, maybe someone neither she (nor you) would ever expect. But more problems arise, obviously, since this is a story and things must be kept dramatic.


All Tears Fall SilentWhere stories live. Discover now