"She loves you, more than anything. She will miss you and she will be back." Klaus added.

It was exactly what she was thinking. Her shoulders slouched and her muscles unwound. She needed her father to know she loved him. Adeline didn't understand why Klaus said those things, she thought it might be some twisted game to him but in the moment she could only be thankful. No matter the reason.

"Thank you—" she trailed.

"Just get your bags." Klaus ordered, brushing off Adelines gesture without so much as a glance.


They had been riding in silence for awhile, no one really knowing what to say. The road was dark but after winding a corner there was lights and a small building. The sign read:

"Newton County Airport"

Klaus drove his sports car right onto the runway where a private jet was waiting with its door open and two pilots standing on each side of the stairs.

"What are we doing here?" Stefan questioned.

"I heard rumors of a pack in the mountains over in the Pacific Northwest— Washington more specifically." Klaus grinned. "Come on, let's go."

Stefan began to unload the bags from the trunk of the car when a male working for the airline came and took them for us. Everything was so extravagant, they even had a red carpet rolled out leading to the stairs. Adeline figured Klaus was rich judging off the cars he drove, and the clothes he and Elijah wore. Building up mounds of money over a thousand years was a reasonable task. Still, Adeline was a little shocked at all the flashy things.

"Good evening Mr. Mikaelson." The pilot greeted them as they walked up the stairs and onto the jet.

The inside of the plane was spacious and more luxurious then she could have imagined. There were several white leather seats on each side and mahogany wood accents throughout the cabin.

Adeline was stopped in the middle of the jet, taking in everything around her. There was champagne on the tables, expensive looking bottles. She had flown before, but never like this.

Klaus walked up behind her, close enough to almost be touching. He cocked his head to the side and whispered into her ear. "Ever flown private love?"

Shivers ran down her spine and her heartbeat picked up. Since the original had extraordinary supernatural hearing he picked up on the rapid pace of her heart and smirked. He enjoyed getting under her skin.

"I'll take that as a no." He grinned, brushing against the blonde as he moved to take a seat.

Adeline sat down across from Stefan on the opposite side of the plane. When they locked eyes, Adeline could tell something was off with him. He was staring at her, without even blinking. It looked like he was studying her.

"Stefan— you okay?" she asked. Even with the loud engines of the plane roaring throughout the cabin, she spoke softly. She knew Stefan could hear her.

"Be careful... around him." He gestured towards the hybrid across the isle.

"I know that." she nodded.

She wasn't sure why Stefan felt the need to point that out. She knew what Klaus was capable of and who he was. She didn't need for it to be explained to her, but Stefan was looking at her like she did. They were friends, and he was just looking out for her but he also felt something, he couldn't describe it but there was something about the way Klaus looked at Adeline.


When they got to Washington, they were picked up on the runaway by a blacked out SUV and driven to a house that looked like a supersized cabin. It was covered in dark wood siding with large windows throughout the home. It was one of the most beautiful houses Adeline had ever seen. There was a direct view of Mount Ranier from every window in the house.

There was no detail spared inside the home as well. The kitchen was complete with marble counter tops and extravagant dishes. The bathrooms were stocked with soap that smelt like it came directly out of heavens gates.

Adeline was standing in the middle of the bedroom the maid of the house said was her. She could fit two of her bedrooms at home into this one room. The bed was a king size, draped with a soft and fluffy white comforter. She pulled back the curtains, she had never seen a view like this one and she wanted to enjoy it.

"Beautiful, isn't it?" Klaus interrupted, standing in the doorway.

He took a step inside, followed by more until he was standing right beside her.

"It is." She finally answered. "Is this... your house?"

"One of my many." He smirked.

"It's nice." she stared straight ahead, looking out the window but Klaus only stared at her. He had seen the view plenty of times, he had seen even better views. Adeline was the only thing that was keeping his attention.

It didn't take him long to realize he was staring and letting himself wonder to much about the girl. What was her life like? Was she happy? What was laying behind her memorizing ocean blue eyes?

Klaus didn't want to wonder these things about Adeline, he didn't want to care; that's not who he was. He wasn't the guy who cared, he never had been.

He turned away, attempting to leave the room when his hand brushed against hers as it rest by her side. She didn't immediately flinch away as their skin connected, she lingered with his cold finger tips against hers but only for a moment.

"Goodnight Adeline." Klaus finally spoke.

He walked out of the door shutting it behind him and leaving her alone, still staring out at the mountain ahead.

"Goodnight Klaus." She whispered.

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