Chapter 18 | I'd melt the entire building with these looks.

Start from the beginning

"You're not planning on killing me are you?" "Oh please Izzy, I'm too hot for jail, I'd melt the entire building with these looks." "Well, you definitely don't have confidence issues," I muttered under my breath. He pushed the door open.


In front of me was a beautiful rooftop patio. It matched the colours of the house, white and grey. I walked around, my jaw dropped. It was beautiful.

I could see the city from up here

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I could see the city from up here. I was in shock. "Beautiful isn't it? You should see it at night, you see the stars and the lights. The torches come on, the fire blazing. It's the best." I jumped "God! Tyler don't scare me like that!" He shrugs and walks and sits.

Ethan comes up from behind and puts his arm around my shoulder, "you totally need to spend the night here one time. You, Ali and Tess, It'll be awesome! We could come up here and sit here all night!"

"Yeah, that'd be great!" Dylan said appearing out of nowhere. I glance at Tyler who had subtly been glaring at Ethan's arm around me. "Woah are those yours?" I say to Dylan noticing the two guitars standing side by side.

"Actually, they're his," Dylan says pointing to Tyler. I raised a brow "play something please!!" Do I even need to tell you who said that? Of course, it was me. "Yea c'mon play something entertain us!" Ethan says getting cozy on one of the sectionals. "Do I look like your personal entertainer? And you know I don't play for anyone."

"Guess that's not happening." Ethan pouted. "Unless..." Tyler said "Unless what the three of us said in unison "I'll play...if Bella sings." They turned to me.

"You can sing?!"

"When did this happen?!"

"Izzy you've been keeping secrets I'm hurt!"

I reddened and glared at a now smirking Tyler. "So anyway where is the next room?" I say hoping my lame attempt at changing the subject will work. Seeming to get the hint, Ethan simply stood and we all left to go back into the house.

"Okay now, downstairs," E said excited to continue the tour. I followed along as I heard him go on and on about how I didn't sing for him. "So this is the kitchen."

It was smaller than I had imagined but definitely still huge. A woman was busy humming while cooking. "Hello, Maria!" Ethan grinned and jumped on the counter "do not even think about touching those muffins, Ethan." She said without turning around. "Aw why not" he whined. "Because- oh dear I'm sorry I didn't see you come, come! You must be the famous Bella I've heard so much about. Would you like a muffin dear?" I chuckled at Ethan's expression, "no but thank you for the offer."

"Oh come on Maria I've known you for longer and you offer her one?" "Yes because she doesn't just steal them and runoff." He sighed knowing he'd lost. "Okay well, I guess we'd better go then." He grabbed a muffin off the counter, stuck his tongue out and bolted while Maria just shook his head. "17 or not, he's still such a kid."

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