Chapter 31. Liar

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A couple of days had already passed and Sooah was feeling 10x better. Her burn was healing and now it was Tuesday so she was going for food with Jisung and a couple of his friends she met at Chans apartment. They walked inside and all the boys were piled on a table near the back of the restaurant so they made their way over.

"Feeling better?" Chan asked and she gave him a smile and a nod before he handed her a plate full of meat and she thanked him before sitting down, Jisung sitting down beside her.

"I heard Jisung stayed over at your house on Friday," Hyunjin said as he pointed his chopsticks towards her and she chuckled and nodded making the whole table gasp apart from Minho and Jeongin.

"Your parents must like him a lot which is a shocker," Jeongin blurted out making the whole table erupt into laughter apart from Jisung who just sat there, glaring at the blonde boy. "I mean, you are a weirdo," he shrugged.

"It's not like your not," Jisung shot back and Jeongin stood up and he was ready to throw hands but Chan just glared at him so he sat down.

"I don't get paid enough for this," Chan sighed and Minho scoffed.

"I don't get paid enough either," Minho said and chan looked over at him and chuckled.

"Fair enough"

A while had already passed and they were still all eating. Jisung was still stuffing his face which just made Sooah laugh. Hyunjin and Minho kept clowning chan with the spicy food they ordered and the poor boy was in pain for a while.

Everyone was still in the midst of their little conversations when the door opened and Minhos jaw dropped to the floor once he saw who walked inside and Felix couldn't help but notice them as well and he nudged Minho who just stared blankly at him.

"Do you know them?" Felix whispered and Minho nodded.

"I know the smaller one, her name is autumn but I don't know who her friend is," Minho whispered back and Felix nodded in understanding, his eyes still fixated on the two girls who sat down at a table in the front.

"Did you do it with her as well?" Felix asked and Minho looked at him wide eyed before coughing.

"I just know her name, you clown," Minho said and Felix chuckled and nodded. "I need to go talk to them, wait a second," Minho stood up and Felix grabbed his arm. "What?"

"Take me with you," He said and Minho raised an eyebrow at him.

"Which one are you interested in?" Minho asked and Felix scoffed.

"The one thats not named autumn," he said and Minho chuckled before they both stood up and made their way towards the girls table. Minhos heart was thumping out of his chest followed by Felix who was a trembling mess.

"Autumn?" Minho asked as he walked towards their table and both girls looked up and raised an eyebrow before one of them squinted her eyes at him.

"Minho?" She asked and Minho smiled at nodded.

"Autumn?" The other girl asked and Autumn chuckled at her friend before looking back at Minho. "Where did autumn come from?" She asked once again and she chuckled. Minho took a glimpse at her name tag and face palmed.

"Your name is Laura?" He asked and She chuckled. "Not autumn?" He asked once again and she shook her head.

"Like I'd tell a random stranger what my name is," Laura scoffed and Minho rolled his eyes.

"You were the one who took a picture of me,"He sat down beside her and she scoffed before grabbing her camera out of her bag and showing him pictures of her finished project and he was considerably amazed. Minho went through the pictures by himself as laura looked up at Felix and motioned for him to sit down beside Aida, which he did.

"Okay guy with blonde hair, this is my friend, Aida," Laura pointed towards her and Felix smiled and nodded.

"My name is Felix by the way," He said making Laura chuckle and nod. Minho was immersed in the pictures and kept going on and on, even through the ones that weren't of her project which just made her grab the camera out of his hand.

"Privacy, please?" She raised her two eyebrows at him before shoving her camera back into her bag and Minho mocked her words which made her thump him into the arm.

"You've spoken what? Twice? And your already comfortable enough to beat eachother up?" Aida spoke up and Both Minho and Laura shot her a glare and she just scowled at them before looking out the window and grabbing her phone, sending laura a quick message about how hot she found Felix.

"Where are you from?" Felix tapped aida on the shoulder and she looked towards him and just stared at him blankly before coughing.

"Canada," she said, dryly and Felix smiled. Aida felt the butterflies travel to her stomach at Felix's smile followed by the heat rushing to her cheeks and a wave of relief washed over her at the fact Felix couldn't see due to her dark skin which Felix thought was quite beautiful.

"I'm from Australia," he said and she nodded, not really knowing what to say. "Your name is pretty, by the way," he said once again and Laura looked towards him with a smirk.

"Are you interested-" Aida cut her off with a kick to the leg and Laura let out a groan before Aida let out a sigh of relief once she saw Leilany at the door.

"Leilanys here," she said and Laura glared at her before looking towards the door and waving at Leilany to walk over to them.

"Lei?" Felix looked towards her and she gave him a smile as she grabbed a chair and sat on it in front of the table. "I didn't know y'all were friends," Felix said, looking at Aida, Laura and Leilany.

"We're not," Leilany said and Laura glared at her. "Dude, you robbed my keyboard,"

"That was me," Aida confessed and Leilany was ready to throw hands but Aida stood up first and Leilany let out a sigh before sitting back down.

"Minho, today is not the day for you to pick up more girls," Hyunjin walked over and gave everyone a smile before looking back over at Minho and the boy was already shooting daggers through hyunjins head with his eyes.

"I said he was a player first day," Aida stated and Laura laughed followed by Felix and Leilany.

"I'm not-"

"Yes you are," Hyunjin said and Minho let out a sigh before standing up and dragging Hyunjin by the collar back to the table where the rest were at.

"I'm gonna head back and make sure they don't kill eachother. Have a lovely day," Felix gave them all a salute and left back to his own table. Aida pushed out the air she was holding at the back of her throat for the past ten minutes as she held her chest which made Laura burst out laughing.

"What happened?" Leilany asked as she sat down on the chair beside Aida and Laura chuckled before showing her the message Aida sent about Felix which made her laugh. "He is hot, but not my type," Leilany shrugged and Aida scoffed.

"You have daddy issues sweetie," Aida spoke up and Leilany shot her a glare. "It's true. You have a massive crush on Seonghwa," she shrugged and Laura nodded.

"You can't say much," Leilany pointed towards Laura and she looked at her, offended. "I mean you did go to that hardware store Sangyeon works at and you bought a hammer for the sole purpose of having a 4 second conversation with him," Leilany crossed her arms over her chest and Laura's mouth fell into an 'o' shape as Aida just laughed at them.

"Now thats...thats embarrassing," Aida held her hand over her mouth, trying to contain the laughter that would probably blow the whole entire restaurant out of it.

"The only thing embarrassing here is the fact that lei invited chan over to fix the shelves in her fridge that she deliberately took off," Laura shot back and leilanys cheeks burned red.

"I like him okay? Is it illegal to like someone?" Leilany asked and Laura chuckled.

"You like a lot of people. Pick your filter," Aida said and Leilany sighed.

"Pick your filter~" Laura sang out and both Aida and Leilany put their heads down in embarrassment.

"Not the time to be quoting Jimin," Leilany whispered and they all chuckled.

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