"We'll regret it. We know the deal already, " Wilbur interrupted him, helping Bad sit in a nearby chair. Sapnap glared at him before leaving the room.

Phil immediately asked, "Are you ok, Bad?"

Bad didn't answer. Instead, Wilbur said, "He's exhausted and rightly so, healing huge injuries twice in one month plus fighting with magic. I'm surprised he's not fucking dead."

"Language," Bad said quietly.

"Don't start Bad," Wilbur said

"If he's so tired he can't even stand on his own, then why the hell is he here?" Phil said worriedly,

Wilbur shrugged. "It's because he's the better healer of the two of us. However, in his current state, I doubt he could even try to heal anything." He then moved to support a swaying Bad, keeping him from falling off the chair. "I could try and heal you, but I'm not the best at... broken bones."

Bad shook his head, attempting to push Wilbur away. "No. I can do it. I'll use your energy."

"No, I'll do the spell. You stay there. Here lay in this bed over here and take a nap." Wilbur said, picking up Bad, who was too tired to try and fight him. Wilbur then set him down on a nearby bed, pulling a thin sheet over him. Bad finally gave up fighting sleep and let himself drift off, "I'll have to wake him before that guard gets back, but I'm going to let him sleep as long as I can," Wilbur turned back to Phil, saying, "In the meantime, I'll try my best to heal you." Phil nodded as Wilbur held out his hands, a green glow radiating from them as he whispered words under his breath. Phil gasped in pain as the bones in his wing moved back into place, partially healing together. Wilbur's hands stopped glowing, leaving the wing weak but healed. He pulled back, saying, "That's the best I can do, the pain should be gone, but you won't be able to use the wing for a few more weeks to heal it fully."

Phil nodded, flexing the wing, wincing as there was a slight pinch in the wing, saying, "Thank you. I appreciate it even if I can't use it."

Wilbur nodded, saying, "No problem," then he glanced at the time before turning to Bad, gently shaking him awake as he said, "Bad, you need to wake up now." Bad groggily opened his eyes, rubbing the sleep from them once he was fully awake. Wilbur said, "I have bad news and the good news. Which do you want first?"

Phil said, "Good news than bad."

Wilbur nodded, saying, "Ok good news is I managed to get a message to Skeppy before they got that collar on me, so he knows about our capture, and he can hopefully start on a plan of action."

"Ok, and the bad news?"

Wilbur took a deep breath before saying, "They've scheduled Technoblade for execution on Wednesday."


Wilbur quickly hushed Phil saying, "Not so loud, Phil! I'm not supposed to tell you."

"We need to get out of here before then! I won't stand by as they execute my son." Phil whisper yelled

Bad spoke, saying, "Wilbur do you think you can tell Skeppy to get us out before then?"

"I can try, just a second," Wilbur said before closing his eyes, muttering under his breath as his eyes emitted a slight green glow from under his eyelids. Slowly the light faded as he opened his eyes, saying, "It worked. Unfortunately, I could only get a small message out, but I messaged him the date of the execution, so hopefully, he understands."

Before either of them could respond, Sapnap opened the door saying, "Time's up," he quickly locked the collars back onto the two mages. As he put Bad's back on, he said, "I'm surprised you're still awake. I heard the healing spell you use tends to knock you out."

Bad looked at him tiredly, saying, "I'm fighting it right now. I figured you'd get more upset if you had to carry me back to the cell."

Sapnap scoffed at that, saying, "Nah, would've made him carry you." gesturing at Wilbur.

There was silence at that, no one having anything else to say as Sapnap finished securing the two mages and Phil; before dragging them back to their cells, dropping the two mages off before Phil.

When Phil entered the cell, he noticed that George was missing, and he said, "Where's George?"

"Schlatt wanted to see him," Dream answered as Sapnap chained Phil to the back wall and left the cell.


Dream shrugged, saying, "Dunno, that's all the guard told me before taking him."

It was then that Phil noticed that Dream had a black eye and a bloody nose, "Dream, your bleeding. What happened to you?"

"To put it simply, George didn't want to leave, so I tried to stop the guard from taking him, and they punched me in the face... twice." Dream said nonchalantly before pinching the bridge of his nose and tilting his head forward, saying, "I wasn't aware that my nose was still bleeding, though. Thanks for that."

Phil hummed in response as the two of them fell into silence.

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