Barrels Out of Bond

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Song is I Will Show You by Glover. The video is hilarious!
I hope y'all enjoy this chapter! 😁
Sirius' POV
After Bilbo finally joined us in the river, we began to move. The water was rough, cold, and I hated it. There were also waterfalls that made us get drenched in the freezing cold water. And did I mention that the water was cold? The only reason why I wasn't barking my lungs out was because I knew that it would attract attention, and that was the last thing that we needed right now. Unfortunately, however, our plans to escape came to a halt. I suddenly wished that the current was even faster as we approached a gate. It was a race against time as we all tried to get there as fast as we could before the Elves could close it. Unfortunately, Thorin, who was at the front, reached the gate just as it closed. I was wishing once again that I had a wand, and I knew that wouldn't be the last time I did either. I began brainstorming for a plan as I saw the guards draw their swords. Any plans that might have worked were cast out the window when one of the Elven guards gave a gasp. He fell into the river, an arrow in his back. Behind him was a snarling Orc. It seemed that we had finally been discovered. A few dozen more Orcs appeared, and they overran the Elves quickly. I noticed that, given our trapped state, we were at a huge disadvantage. Bilbo was the also only one with a weapon. We were in huge trouble. We needed to open the gate. But how...? It seemed that Kili was thinking ahead of me, as he began to climb out of his barrel. I barked at him, and grabbed his sleeve with my teeth. I did my best to communicate that I wanted out. I would be much more useful out there, tearing out their filthy throats. Thankfully, Kili got my drift and helped me get out. I immediately shook myself, and then launched at the nearest Orc with a roar. It almost brought me back to the times when I would have to fight Remus when he was a werewolf. Only this time I was aiming to kill. The Orcs went down quickly as I tore through them without mercy. I gave a growl of anger when I happened glance up and see Kili get hit in the leg with an arrow. It made me even more angry when I recognized the archer. It was Bolg, the spawn of Azog. Giving my most terrifying growl, I charged at him. It probably wasn't the smartest move, but I managed to give Kili time to open the gate. Thankfully, he was right next to it when he got shot. Unfortunately, watching them caused me to get distracted, and I was suddenly thrown off my paws. My body slammed against a tree and I yelped in pain. Darkness overtook me, and I knew no more...
I apologize for how short this is, but I wanted to publish something! The next chapter will be more interesting, and hopefully longer!
❤️Soundwave's Wife❤️

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