Chapter 7

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Ichigo's P.O.V.

"Ohiyo mama!" I said "Welcome back Ichigo!" she replied. I started to help out in the shop until it closed. While me and Raichi were fighting over which Idols were the best I accidentally knocked over and shattered a special vase.

 "Ichigo! Your supposed to be a role model to your brother! I'm very disappointed in you your gonna have to spend the rest of the weekend in your room!" My mom yelled at me. I ran up to my room in tears I really didn't mean to shatter the vase. 

How was I gonna get out tomorrow to see Naoto. I fell asleep early I was supposed to meet up with Naoto and the guys at 11:00 am so I had to come up with a plan fast.

The next morning I got dressed into pink tights with a yellow skirt and a light blue top, I grabbed my white sweater and but my heeled boots on. I climbed out the window to the tree by my window and left to wait for them by the river. 

They arrived in 5 minutes we decided to head to the mall first. Me and Naoto wanted to head to the arcade while the others wanted to do other stuff so we went separate ways and agreed to meet back up at the food court at 1:00.

Naoto's P.O.V.

I always liked watching Ichigo's pink bow go up and down but she was looking down right so I knew something was wrong. "Ichigo do you wanna sit on the bench?" I asked her. she looked at me and nodded I sat down beside her.

"What's wrong?" I asked her she stayed quiet for a few moments before telling me what happened. I was surprised she still came even though she wasn't aloud to leave the house. "I'm sure everything will be fine." I told her. "You think so?" she asked looking up. "yeah." I replied she hugged me and I took her hand and we headed to the arcade.

We played games together for awhile while laughing. Eventually it was 1:00 so we headed over to the food court to get lunch with the others. We then headed to the movie theater to watch 2 movies and it was 5:30 by the time we left the mall.

We picked up some take out food for dinner before heading back to my house. I made popcorn then headed down stairs.

We started with a horror movie with left Ichigo with her head buried in my chest so we decided to put something funny on next.

We watched movies together for hours before we all fell asleep. Ichigo fell asleep with her head on my shoulder so I didn't move.

The next day

Ichigo's P.O.V.

We all woke up at 9:00 and headed out to go shopping I was glad I remembered to bring my wallet before leaving my house. I was sure my mom was very angry at me so I didn't want to go home.

We all went out to a water park for a few hours I started blush when I came out of the changing room in my bikini. After we went and got ice cream I accidentally dropped mine and Naoto bought me a new one this was one of the reasons I loved him he was so caring and kind.

When we headed back to Naoto's place we spent hours doing karaoke they were surprised at how well I was able to sing their songs. After a few hours we decided to put on a movie Hiro wanted another Horror movie to which I reluctantly agreed.

It was a long horror movie but I spent most of it with my head buried in Naoto's chest it surprised me when he put his arm around me but I figured it was nothing. After we finished a bunch of movies it was around 2:00 in the morning

 "Oh crap my mom's gonna kill me!" I whispered to Naoto. I quickly grabbed all my things and went to the door. "I'll walk you home it's pretty late." Naoto said. "Thank you." I said with my legs shaking. 

I felt myself beginning to cry then Naoto put his arm around my waist comforting me. As we neared my house I started to freak out again. "I'm sure everything's gonna be fine." he said to comfort me I smiled at him with teary eyes. He held my hand the rest of the way and before I entered my house I hugged him, "Thank you." I said to him. He smiled back at me and that made me feel better.

I entered the house and as expected my Mom was there waiting for me. "Where were you! You don't come home for 2 days when I told you not to leave the house! WHAT WERE YOU THINKING!" she creamed at me she sent me up to my bedroom.

 I had tears pouring out of my eyes this week off wasn't going to be much fun. I wish I could see Naoto right now and hug him and hold his hand. I knew it was probably a bad Idea to not come home for 2 days when my mom was mad at me but I was just having so much fun that at that moment I didn't care at all.

I got changed, brushed my teeth and went into my bed breaking down into tears. I wasn't able to sleep very easily just thinking about what my mom would say to me tomorrow morning.

Dreaming of love (Ichigo and Naoto story)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum