Chapter 5

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Ichigo's P.O.V.

I woke up and looked at the clock. "Wow!" I said to myself it was 11:00 am. I looked at Aoi and Ran who were just waking up. "Well we had quite the day yesterday." said Ran yawning. "That's for sure." Aoi said laughing.

We looked at each other and laughed we realized we passed out on the floor in our clothes. "Well not we can spend the day just resting." I said. "It's funny how even on our days off we end up so tired." Ran commented. Me and Aoi both laughed.

We headed out to eat breakfast we were all so hungry because we didn't get to eat dinner last night. "Ichigo slow down your gonna choke!" Aoi said to me as I was shoveling Pancakes and waffles into my mouth. Sure enough I choked and Ran handed me her glass of water which I drank in less than a second. "Honestly Ichigo is it even possible for you to be full." Ran said as she laughed. I mumbleed no with my mouth full making Aoi and Ran laugh harder.

We headed back to the room to look through pictures. "Ah this was when Otome fell into the fountain for the 50th time!" Aoi said as she pointed to a picture. We all laughed it was Otome's signature move to fall into the fountain looking for a rainbow. "Oh this is when Ichigo tried to create her own dance but ended up just recreating the Moonlight Destiny dance!" Ran laughed pointing to the picture. My face turned red making them laugh even harder. "This was when Ran was having a conversation with Ebipon!" I said smugly getting her back. Ran's face turned red making me and Aoi burst out laughing.

I headed out to get more snacks. "Ohiyo Suzukawa san" I waved to him. I walked up to him smiling he smiled back making my heart flutter. "Ohiyo Ichigo, they guys wanted me to invite you over for another movie night." he said to me. "Sure I have friday off so I was going home to help out in the shop so we can do it on saturday!" I replied. "Sounds good i'll tell the guys." he replied.

I waved goodbye the went away skipping with my hair ribbon bouncing up and down. I went and got healthy snacks for ran and same candy for me and Aoi. Though I know Ran will have a little bit of it. I smiled as I walked back into the dorm room.

I saw Aoi and Ran trying to find the most embarrassing picture of us we spent hours looking at pictures, remembering memories and laughing together. 

We remembered the day of Soleils debut and how it was originally just me and Aoi but Ran come to us telling us that we were the reason she was able to try her hardest. Then we debuted our unit to our song Diamond Happy.

We decided to make a fort using pillows and blankets. "An idol pillow fort not that is something special!" Aoi said as she began taking pictures of us. I flopped on one of the pillows crushing Ran. "Ah Ichigo get off your so heavy!" she shouted laughing.

We began telling scary stories of Idols Ran pretended to be strong but I saw her hug her Ebipon plush tighter. We talked for a few more hours before going to sleep. We all fell asleep right away because we were still pretty tired from the day before.

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