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Put my finger on your tongue 'cause you love to taste yeah
These hearts adore, everyone the other beat heart is for
Inside this place is warm
Outside it starts to pour

- 1 -

Elizabeth sits in the back of the class fidgeting with her fingers on the desk. Luckily, she didn't have a class with Arthur this block, so she could at least sit in peace (or the closest thing to peace) for two hours.

But she isn't able to sit for long because now and out-of-the-blue, the teacher wants to rearrange the seating chart. So, with a sigh, Elizabeth stands from her desk. Walking to the front of the room, she hopes she gets a seat next to Diane or Merlin.

She has at least half her classes with them, which is good in her opinion. She'd feel lost (in some sense) if she didn't have a class with someone she knows.

It takes about half an hour to get everyone seated, and Elizabeth wants to scream. Because of all people she could've been seated with, she gets seated with Meliodas. Elizabeth reluctantly sits down in her new seat, the blonde watching her every move with a perverted grin.

"Well," he says, and the silver haired girl immediately has the urge to slam her head into her desk. "Looks like we're seatmates!"

Elizabeth merely hums. "Yup," she says, putting emphasis on the 'p'. "Don't be annoying."

"Me? Annoying? Who do you think you're talking to, Elizabeth?" Her name rolls off his tongue in a tone it shouldn't, and she doesn't know whether or not she should let that chill she feels go throughout her body or not.

"I think I'm talking to the boy who thinks he can just flirt with me whenever he damn well pleases even though he knows I have a boyfriend," she says in a hushed voice, but there's venom laced in her words.

Her eyes were never on him, but she can see the stupid smirk on his face. She doesn't have to even look to know; he's that predictable at this point.

"Well, your boyfriend never does anything about it, so you may wanna rethink your relationship."

Just as she's about to say something back, the teacher clears her throat and begins the lesson. The entire time, Elizabeth doesn't pay attention. She's too fed up with Meliodas and his bullshit. But, at the same time, what if he's right? Arthur never does anything when Meliodas slides in next to her and wraps one of his arms around her waist and say something incredulously flirtatious. Her boyfriend just sits there... and watches it happen. Elizabeth doesn't really do anything either - but how could she? It's so awkward and random, and she just doesn't understand why Meliodas would make moves on her more frequently now that she's been in a relationship.

There isn't anything the blonde could be hiding, so what is it?

She doesn't necessarily see him as anything more or less than a friend, and he knows it. Elizabeth just doesn't get what his motives are.

Once class is over, the silver haired teenager packs her things and doesn't spare the blonde a glance.

As she walks down the hall, she feels arms grip her own. She smiles, knowing who's holding her.

"Hey, Di, Merlin," she says. Diane giggles and slips her arm from Elizabeth's.

"So," Merlin starts, further looping her arm with the silverette's. "I saw who was sitting next to you during class just now. Did he say anything that could've upset you?"

Elizabeth almost smiles. Merlin was always protective, not that she minded. "Not really... He just said something about how Arthur never really does anything when Meliodas flirts with me and stuff. He also said that I should consider rethinking my relationship."

Diane hums, thoughtfully almost, and Merlin begins softly tapping on Elizabeth's arm. Merlin always started tapping her fingers on the nearest thing she could when she was thinking long and hard.

"I hate to be that person, but... I think he's right, you know," Diane says, causing Elizabeth to turn her head to look at the brunette. Diane has her arms behind her back as they walk down the corridor.

"Now hold on Diane-" Merlin begins and Elizabeth once again turns her head to look at the ravenette "-don't you think you're getting ahead of yourself?"

"I don't know, but Meliodas is right. Arthur never does anything to get him to stop flirting with you. I mean, if he really did value what you guys have, don't you think Arthur would do... more?"

Elizabeth looks down at her feet as they seem to move on their own. What if they're right? Even as she and Arthur started dating, he never told Meliodas off, or anyone else that flirted with her for that matter. Does he not value their relationship to the extent that she does?

Even when he kisses her, it's always hungry and demanding. They're never sweet and slow.

"Shit." Merlin mumbles. "Okay, well let's not think too much into it, okay?"

Neither Elizabeth nor Diane reply, but they continue to walk without a care in the world.

Multiple - hundreds if Elizabeth were to judge - thoughts go through her mind, rethinking what Meliodas and her best friends had said. What if her boyfriend really doesn't want her in the way that she wants him? He's so dear to her, she couldn't imagine being with anyone else. So why? Why does she continue to second guess herself and have doubts about him?

Before she even realizes it, she's standing in front of her dorm room with her friends.

Merlin untangles her arm from Elizabeth's and says a quick goodbye before she speed walks down to her own room.

Diane, however, stays with the silverette. Elizabeth and the brunette walk into her dorm room, and Diane immediately sits down on her bed.

"So, Elizabeth," Diane says. "Everything go okay today?"

Elizabeth chuckles as she sets down her bag by her desk. "It was... decent, I guess. What about you?"

Diane hums, laying down on the bed. "I guess I could say the same. King scraped his knee again." Elizabeth and Diane giggle, joking about how often King manages to hurt himself playing sports with Ban and Meliodas.

However, when Diane brings up a certain topic regarding Elizabeth and Arthur, the silvet haired girl freezes.

song: Sweater Weather by The Neighbourhood


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