Your phone buzzed on the nightstand. You picked it up, the messages tugging at your heart.

Charlie: I miss you so much.
Charlie: I had dinner with Mom and just now made it back to the hotel. Are you still awake?

You quickly typed out a reply.

You: I miss you too, baby.

Charlie: I didn't wake you, did I?

You shifted in the bed, adjusting your pillows so you could sit up a bit more.

You: No, I was awake.
Charlie: Would you want to FaceTime? If you're tired, we don't have to, but it would be nice to see you.
You: Of course I would.

The phone began ringing in your hands and with the press of a button, Charlie's tired, smiling face was there with you in real time.

"Hey. It's dark. Are you sure you weren't asleep?" You could tell he was propped up against the headboard of his hotel bed, the soft glow of the TV illuminating his face.

"I'm positive. Let me get the lamp."
"I'll do the same."

You reached over and switched on the light beside you in time to see Charlie reposition himself, now fully visible, hitting mute on his remote to silence the dull hum of some mundane program.

"Much better."

"Agreed." Charlie leaned in a little closer, trying to make out the details around you, as if doing so would make a difference. "Are you where I think you are?"

You huffed out a small laugh. "I'm in our bed." A smile tugged at the corner of his mouth.

"I love hearing you call it that. 'Our bed'.

"Mmhmm. I hope it's okay. I didn't want to go back to Little Apartment."

"Do you have a key?"


"Then it's really your place too, isn't it?" He yawned. "Give me a minute and let me get changed? Seeing you in pajamas has my body aching to be more comfortable." He got up slowly and laid the phone down on the bed. The ceiling wasn't as pleasant a view as his beautiful face.

"Sure, do you want to call me back?" You asked the void. No sooner than the words left your mouth, Charlie was leaning over, grinning, his hair falling in his face and the camera. "Nope! Stay with me!" You couldn't hold in your giggle. You could hear him quickly undressing. The clink of his belt. The hiss of his zipper. A moment later, you were being lifted and he was back in frame. He was in what appeared to be his undershirt and, if you had to guess considering you couldn't see his bottom half, most likely boxers.

"There's my love," he said, sinking back against the headboard.

"Hi baby."

He said nothing, taking you in, before you broke the silence. " was dinner?" He sighed and you silently hoped you hadn't said something to make things worse.

"Interesting. Mom's out of it, which I kind of expected. She's been quiet for the most part."


"I think she's upset with me for skipping the visitation, but I just couldn't make myself go."

You nodded as he leaned back against his pillow, putting his arm behind his head.

Happy Merry Everything (Charlie Barber)Where stories live. Discover now