Titans are immoblie without sunlight

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Long story short I'm face down on the ground with my arm twisted painfully behind my back. I tap the ground repeatedly as a sign of surrender. Keith, who is probably enjoying this, doesn't stop the match.


With a heavy sigh he tells Annie to release me. I roll over so I'm lying back flat on the ground trying to catch my breath, shit it's only been the first match too. I can't give up now, I still have one match left. I lift myself up and position myself into a fighting stance. Next up is Eren, so that's his name. He doesn't look scary physically but his eyes speak differently.

He's the first one to attempt to land an attack which I easily dodge, he needs a bit of work. Using my legs I slide mine so they come in contact with the back of his feet causing him to fall over, using this as an opening I strangle his upper body with my legs and pin his hands above his head with the tightest grip I can manage. Compared to Annie this isn't so bad. I look sideways at Keith signalling that this match is over, he sees this and ends it.

"You're not bad at all, with a bit more practice you could be a very strong soldier."

I reach my hand out to Eren, who is now catching his breath, he takes it an smiles at me. I'll take this as a good sign. The cadets look impressed, so that's something. Hopefully it'll be easier to earn their respect as their teacher now. The cadets introduce themselves to me one by one. I learn that the girl with the pony tail is Sasha and the boy with a buzz cut is Connie. There is a girl with black hair and a red scarf called Mikasa, a girl who resembles Armin called Krista, her friend called Ymir. A built boy called Reiner and his tall friend called Bertholdt. Numerous other cadets introduce themselves to me, I greet them all with a smile.

After greetings I'm invited to eat dinner with everyone, they seem to want to get to know me better.

"They seem to have taken a liking to you." Keith says as we walk back, he seems relieved.

"It should be fun teaching this bunch for the next few years"

I'm definitely looking forward to this.

During dinner I notice a few things about the cadets. Sasha is Connie's other half, literally. Jean and Eren are quite hostile but still get along in their own way, Armin is very smart and curious about the world. Mikasa has a crush on Eren, ah young love. Reiner and Bertholdt are almost like brothers, Annie likes to keep to herself and Sasha LOVES food. Krista and Ymir bicker back and forth but laugh it off, almost like a married couple.

These next few years are going to be interesting to say the least but I'm looking forward to all of it. Lectures only take place once or twice a week for 2 hours each lecture, in the span of 3 years I should be able to teach them all I'm about to with the knowledge I have. These cadets are promising, humanity might be one step closer to uncovering what's outside the walls.

A few months pass, its now year 848, and I've already taught them the anatomy of a Titan, well all that I know of it anyway. Since the cadets started in autumn, they've gotten used to the routine and have improved drastically. Now we're onto the vulnerabilities. Keith helps by bringing books and documents that I read through daily, if I find anything new or something that we haven't covered I go back to that lesson and add any details I've missed. I don't want these cadets missing anything, any information is vital for their success. Through these last few months I've found out that Armin is academically brilliant and all the others mostly learn and are motivated because of him. Eren and Mikasa learn a lot from him, it helps that those 3 are always around each other. All 3 are refugees from wall Maria and when I said I was too they where shocked to say the least. It's not everyday that they can find an adult to relate to. Reiner and Bertholdt are also refugees claiming that they want to return home soon. Hopefully we all can soon.

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