Chapter 6: Cooperation

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Uneasy glances were shared around the room, no one willing to step near Wei WuXian. He had noticed that Jiang Cheng and Lan Xichen seemed more than ready to help, but he gave them both a small glance to have them not move. They couldn't show too much affliction with him either as there may still be others who believe Wei WuXian to have cursed and manipulated them. Which was funny, because Wei WuXian didn't even know if there was such a curse.

Wei WuXian rolled his eyes and looked towards Nie Huaisang, who was looking at Wei WuXian with a very small hand raise, almost unnoticeable. With a small smile, Wei WuXian nodded to the boy, who closed his fan and grinned brightly at his best friend, "Nie-xiong, hold the sword out for me- but away from your body and blade pointed towards me,"

Nie Huaisang stood up, ignoring the disbelief and stern glare Nie MingJue was giving him. He walked over and took hold of the sword, adjusting his grip into something comfortable yet firm. When they were 15 and before Wei WuXian had been kicked from the lectures at Gusu, Nie Huaisang had learned a little bit about sword forms and how to hold one, taught by Wei WuXian himself! Though they didn't work well for a saber, Nie Huaisang never had a particular interest for a saber, not much for a sword either. But, he had realized sword forms came easier than the heavy weight of a saber for him.

Nie Huaisang took the sword and pointed the blade at Wei WuXian his stance obviously comfortable and firm. The sight made many people, including Nie MingJue, blink in surprise. Jiang Cheng, on the other hand, knew exactly why and smiled knowingly. Wei WuXian giggled amused before stepping back and making his eyes red once more, "The sword has resentment in it. Since you all want to know how I can help Lan Zhan, here's a smaller example,"

Wei WuXian extended one hand out towards the sword. He then inhaled and detected the resentment he had placed. The sword that Huaisang was holding quickly had a small string of black smoke of resentment energy trail out and rush towards Wei WuXian's hand.

Everyone in the room watched in surprise as the resentment energy went straight into Wei WuXian's body, until the trail of resentment ended. The demonic cultivator dropped his hand and eyes turned back to silver. He stated, "Like that. I can find the resentment and transfer it out of Hanguang Jun and take it into me,"

He took the sword back and handed it to Jiang Cheng, who sheathed it again, placing Suibian back in his robes. Nie Huaisang patted Wei WuXian on the back, before returning to his seat, obviously satisfied with being useful. Wei WuXian looked at Jin Guangshan, "Are there any more questions?"

"The Stygian Tiger Seal," Jin Guangshan brought up and Wei WuXian's face that had been warm, darkened, smile fading rapidly and the small friendly glint that had been in his eyes after the interaction with his nephew froze over, "We'll keep it while your here-"

"No," Wei WuXian cut off, feeling the presence of Bai Chunhua, Ren MingXia, and Zeng Minsheng surround him, Bai Chunhua's gently hands placed on his shoulders, to ground him and give him a comforting squeeze, while the other two stood slightly in front of Wei WuXian, glaring at Jin Guangshan and ready to use their swords. They were, obviously, not showing themselves to the cultivators in the room, only Wei WuXian could see them and their presence made him ground himself from getting too defensive and provoke more of an argument. His words were no question, but almost that of an order, "It stays with me,"

Jin ZiXun frowned, "Wei WuXian, you should be thankful you haven't been attacked yet! We'll let you help, but you have to give us the seal,"

Wei WuXian laughed coldly, "Give you my Stygian Tiger Seal? And do tell me Jin ZiXun, how am I supposed to trust I'll get it back if I were to ever agree?"

The tense silence and eyes on Jin Guangshan only gave Wei WuXian the answer. He smiled wickedly, sick amusement in his eyes as he was proven right. His tone was dark and laced with a small threat,"It stays with me until I die,"

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