"I'm s-sorry, I wasn't— I didn't —" He paused, trying to fix his hair then looked at me strangely, "I didn't know you wore glasses?"

"Oh, they're for reading." I lied and he grimaced as I gave him the last few books.

The two tall ginger boys came over.

"You two got yourself in a right mess." George laughed.

"They sure did," Fred joined in and I got up from the ground, helping Harry with me.

"Riddle seems pretty interested in this dispute." George pointed over to the entrance of knock turn alley and Mattheo was watching from a distance.

"Fucking hell! I'm hungover, just crashed into someone, in so much drama and Mattheo Riddle has a fucking obsession with me!" I blurted and the three boys looked at each other then laughed.

"We didn't even need veritaserum." George nudged Fred.

"I say that's a job well-done. See you later." Fred chirped then they left down the street singing merrily. I smiled at their child-like actions.

"What's with Riddle?" Harry asked once the others had gone.

"I don't know...I never know."I groaned then instinctively pulled Harry in for a hug. He hugged back, I don't really know why I did it in the first place. It calmed me a little— it made me forget all the drama in my life, I just concentrated on the embrace, trying to keep away from the cynical energy that stalked me, every decision that I had ever made seemed right just in that instant.

"Are you okay?" He asked against my ear and held me tighter, allowing me to melt into his touch. He felt like my life support and I physically couldn't let go.

"Yeah, just a bit overwhelmed with life."

"Tell me about it!"

I glanced over Harry's shoulder to now see Draco and Mattheo sauntering towards us, Draco looked especially displeased at my close contact with Harry. Mattheo was just...there.

"Leave her alone, Potter," Draco stormed and this just caused Harry to hold me closer, "We don't enjoy your sort...mixing with ours."

"Malfoy, not the time." I raised an eyebrow at him then pulled away from Harry, wanting him to go about his day with Draco taunting him as he always does. Harry quickly walked away, just as he walked past Mattheo he was clutched back. Mattheo whispered something in his ear then Harry ran, looking completely panicked.

"What do you want?!" I hollered. They shared a look of agreement as if they were conversing with each other telepathically. Draco stepped back a little but Mattheo seized him by the collar and held him next to him. They gaped at each other, waiting for the other to speak first or something.

"So..." Draco began then glared at Mattheo again, "Nice glasses?"

"Thanks? To be honest, you two are acting like you're hiding that you're a couple or something." I snickered, "Let me guess...you want me to join your little gang because Pansy is dating Astoria, so doesn't hang out with you anymore? Oh, and the only reason is because you know I'm a pureblood now, right? Well, you know what, I'm fine with my friends, you two go do shit to muggle-borns, it's pretty pathetic that basically, the only reason you're at this school is to mistreat innocent 'mudbloods'. Really, really pathetic."

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