"Meet and greet?"

She partially turns her body towards the crowd, wrapping one arm around me. "Them. Almost everyone is here."

"Everyone but Adit," I mutter, catching her hint.

"Mhmm," turning fully to me. "You are perceived to be her child, love. The others down there will look to you to receive them. As will our people." She pulls me into the house before getting behind me and pushing me into the bathroom.

I turn grabbing her wrist. "You not joining me?" I ask pulling her flush against me.

She smiles while shaking her backing away from me. "Go, I'll be out here when you're done."

After getting fresh and clean, I step out of the bathroom to see Kaira getting her hair done by Morgan. She connects her eyes with mine through the mirror. She gestures behind her to the cushion laying on the floor in front of the bed. Going over to sit on it, James enters the room. I go to stand back up but he holds up a hand with a shake of his head.

"You do not bow or rise for anyone," he tells me.

"Why all the pomp and circumstance, James?"

He sighs taking a step back. "We are in our monarch." I stare at him waiting for him to continue because the shit he just said was too simple to understand. I raise my hands moving them around one another. "Adit is king, you are a princess. Everyone else is subjects to the realm."


"Game of Thrones, love." Kaira says coming to sit behind me, her fingers immediately going to my dreads, retwisting and fashioning them to her liking. I smile knowingly because Kaira will never allow anyone other than her to do my hair. From the time we became a couple only her hands have touched my head. "Adit is Robert Baratheon. Everyone down there is Frey, Lannister, Bolton, Tyrell, etc. etc."

"And who am I in this?"

Her eyes meeting mine in the mirror again. "You are Jon Snow. Not Baratheon blood, but the true heir to the throne."


Okay now I feel like I am getting somewhere. I look at James as he shakes his head me. Somewhere I can hear drums going off.

"Come it is time," James says as he and Morgan began to help Kaira and I dress. I am struck dumb, looking in the mirror at myself. I am dressed in a gold sarong adorned with beads and necklaces to cover my top half. Kaira styled my hair up into a crown, with an actual crown placed along my hairline. Gold cuffs incase my wrists with gold snake armbands around my biceps.

Kaira steps into my view and I have forgotten how to breathe. A tiara of some kind is sitting on top her head. Her hair up and twisted to cascade down her back. Her sarong a deep purple with gold links placed around her waist. A light gold chain wrapping around her stomach. A purple silk or satin looking cloth is placed around her chest area. Where my accessories are metal, hers are cloth. A part of me can understand the underline meaning of this.

James and Morgan lead us outside and fuck dumb, I am now stupid. A procession lined up and down the street in front of our home. Rows upon rows upon rows of pack members filing in, in abundance. Everyone dressed in sarongs, with beads and/or jewelry adorning them. The kids all dress appropriately, the little girls with flowers in the hair. The boys with twined leaves or soft branch placed on their heads. Percussions spread and intermixed through the bodies.

This is some real Coming to America type shit.

They split apart at the seam creating a space for Kaira and I to enter, before enclosing us again. I can see over the heads that the others are gathering and slowly following us, as we march along the streets into the forest. We march along, following the water to the fields. The trees open up in front of us. I am in complete awe. I know the teenagers and kids have been out here everyday setting up for this.

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