''Good, you are all here. Now we will do 2V2 battles but because we are missing one student someone will have to go again do we have takers.'' All Might asked with Izuku raising his hand instantly loving the chance to go again.'' Alright then now for the teams we will pick lots.'' All Might said as he pulled out a box Everyone took one of the balls with Izuku taking 2. '' Sir why would we pick teams on random?'' Ida asked their teacher. '' Does anyone have an answer for Young Ida's Question.'' With Momo answering the question.'' Because agency often has to team up on the spot with random heroes to quickly take care of the problem.'' Correct Young Yaoyorozu

'' Okay, the teams are.
Team A.Uraraka and Shimura.
Team B.Bakugo and Ida
Team C.Todoroki and Shoji
Team D.Shimura and Yaoyorozu
Team EAshido and Kirishima
Team F.Aoyama and Toru
Team G.Sato and Koda
Team H.Asui and Tokoyami
Team I.Sero and Kaminari
Team J.Jiro and Ojiro

One team will be the heroes and the other team will be the villains. The villains will have 5 minutes to prepare as the heroes wait outside and then the heroes will be given the signal and they will have 15 minutes to either capture all the villains or capture the bomb. Now for who will fight who. The first team I say will be heroes and the second are villains.

Team A VS B.
Team E VS F
Team G VS H
Team I VS J
Team C VS D

Best of luck to all of you.'' All Might said

''I guess we are a team,'' Izuku said to Uraraka as she looked nervous. They waited at the front gate for the signal.'' So what will our plan be.'' Uraraka said but as she finished saying that her stomach started growling and she quickly turned red with Izuku laughing a little. '' Sorry I wanted some Mochi for breakfast but I didn't have any so I didn't eat.'' She said very embarrassedly.'' Wait you like Mochi.'' Izuku asked with Uraraka giving a nod Izuku wasted no time using the Mochi Mochi no mi ( Mochi Mochi fruit) to make a mochi donut the size of a frisbee.'' Here enjoy.'' He said as he gave her the Mochi donut making Uraraka drool and look at it with stars in her eyes.'' R-Really.'' She asked with Izuku nodding and her taking it and eating it loving every bite of it.

Back at the students, people were having a good laugh because of them with many finding Uraraka's face funny when she saw the donut.'' Damn that made me kinda hungry tho.'' Sero said getting some to agree with even all might agreeing with them. '' 5 minutes are over. The heroes can enter.'' All Might told them 

'' Uraraka please walk behind me,'' Izuku said making Uraraka think he didn't want to walk next to her so she nodded sadly and did as she was told. '' Nothing against you Uraraka I quite enjoy your company but I can feel that  Bakugo will attack first and wouldn't want you to get hurt now do we.'' He said getting her to blush once more as she was still nibbling on the mochi donut.

As they were walking Izuku was making small talk with Uraraka wanting to know more about until Izuku was hit in the face with an explosion.'' Hah, next time pay attention fucking extra.'' Bakugo said as he thought that took at Izuku but as the smoke went away there stood an Izuku with his top half turned to Diamond. Izuku ever since entering the building used Observation haki so he would know where both of them were.'' Uraraka please go to the middle of the 5th floor Ida is there so I assume the bomb is around him.'' Izuku said as he allowed Uraraka to walk past them both, But Bakugo had another Idea and tried to attack her with Izuku just kicking him down a hallway. '' I will join you in a minute just try and do your best,'' Izuku said as he turned his attention toward Bakugo.

Let not involve the pretty lady now, shall we? Let's see what you can do.'' Izuku said making Bakugo angrier then before. Bakugo rushed forward and attacked with explosion after explosion that Izuku just tanked as he turned his body into Diamond using the Kira Kira no mi. ( No English name) Izuku took all explosion and it did no damage with Bakugo getting angrier and angrier.'' Is all you can do stand still and wait you weak bitch.'' Bakugo said as he made an explosion pointed toward his own palm creating a flashbang blinding Izuku as Bakugo now positioned himself and let loose a big explosion on the back of Izuku hoping it would do damage but it did nothing so Bakugo kept making explosion but at a smaller size making his hand sweat more. He kept that busy until his gauntlets beeped.

'' Great they are ready.'' Bakugo said as he lifted his gauntlet.'' O what will this do'' Izuku thought. '' If the costume companies followed my instructions. Then my gauntlets should have been saving up the sweat and with that beep, it shows they have a full tank.'' Bakugo lifted his arm and pulled back the pin on his wrist gauntlet and he let loose a massive explosion. Just before he did All might tried to stop him '' Young Bakugo stop this at once if that makes contact it could kill him.'' All might yelled in urgency not wanting a student to injure the prince. People who were watching watched with fear for their classmates as Bakugo was a strong fighter and showed true skill with his quirk and here was Izuku just standing calmly with one hand in his pocket and a smile on his face.

Just before the explosion made his way toward Izuku he crossed his fingers and used the Bari Bari no mi ( Barrier Barrier fruit) making a barrier just in front of himself making the front where Bakugo was and where the camera that looked over the fight covered in smoke. All Might thought there might be injuries but as the smoke dissipated you could see Izuku behind a green glass that stood in front of himself.'' That was quite the explosion it might have even hurt if I let it touch me. Good job I am impressed.'' Izuku said as he uncrossed his fingers making the barrier disappear. Bakugo wanting to use his other gauntlet lifted his arm but Izuku stood in front of him with his arm stretched out making it look as Izuku was going to clothesline Bakugo, But as Bakugo braced for the impact he wasn't met with pain but with the cold feeling of Iron as he had thick black iron cuffs around him making it impossible to move as Izuku used the Ori Ori no mi (Bind Bind fruit/ Cage Cage fruit) to capture Bakugo.

Let's stop the big explosions for now as they do more damage to the building than me.'' Izuku said as he was not contacted by Uraraka.'' Are you okay the building started shaking'' She said clearly worried about Izuku but still quiet to no let Ida notice her location?'' I am fine thanks for worrying. I just captured Bakugo so I will be on my way toward you now try and capture the bomb or keep Ida busy.'' Izuku said to Uraraka with her giving a short answer and went to face Ida who prepared for this by removing all the items in the room.

Izuku went and used the Nuke Nuke no mi (Through-Through Fruit) to walk through the walls and ceiling right toward Ida and the bomb. While everyone in the observation room was perplexed.'' Is there anything that the dude can't do? he can make food appear out of nowhere, He can move at lightspeed, He can turn in to diamonds, He can make what looks like an unbreakable barrier, He can even make iron cages to capture people. What cant he do?.'' Kaminari said defeated as Izuku was super strong.'' Well, we haven't seen him fly so maybe that.'' Sero said unsure if Izuku knew how to fly. All Might heard the students talk found himself in the same spot but not out of jealousy but more of out wanting to know how strong this kid truly is.

Izuku made his way toward the bomb rather quickly and was met with the sight of Ida running away with the bomb in his hands with Uraraka chasing him trying to touch the both of them. Izuku then decided to use the Hana Hana no mi ( Flower Flower fruit to grow hands all over Ida to make him stop in his tracks allowing Uraraka to touch the bomb.

''The heroes win.'' All might announce to everyone. On their way back Izuku made Uraraka a Mochi Donut again which she happily took and started munching on. As they came toward the observation room They were met with congratulations and praise for their works. '' So who was the MVP of that battle.'' Getting every to be quiet for a second with Yaoyorozu thinking she knows the answer.'' Shimura sir.''What do you think Shimura were you the MVP '' All might ask Izuku wanting to know his answer. '' No sir. It was Ida or Uraraka. Both acted on the objective of the training while I wasted a lot of time and allowed damage to the building to happen. I could have ended the fight with Bakugo faster but I wasted too much time with my own interest and if that would have been real life scenario that could have costed lives.'' Izuku said disappointed in himself that his obsession for quirks got in the way of his critical thinking. '' Correct Young Shimura, Now the next up is. : Team E as heroes and Team F as villains please get ready. 

-2560 words.

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