"Sily, up! Up!" Harry begged, his little arms reaching up for her to pick him up.

Silena couldn't help but smile at the silly nickname Harry gave her, but then again he was a three-year-old, and what three-year-old could say their big brother/sister's full name properly? Not possible. Deciding to oblige Harry for a little bit, Silena bent down on one knee and picked up the giggling toddler.

"Now Harry, I need to get ready to go, and I'm afraid you can't go with me." She said gently, a small smile gracing her beautiful face.

Normally Silena was able to get Harry to listen to her, and he would go along with what she said. This time, however, he wasn't very obliging, if the shake of his head was any indication. She couldn't help but laugh at the raven bangs that were swishing in the air until her baby brother's head stopped.

"No Sily, no go!" Harry begged, as his emerald green eyes went big and wide, hoping to entice his big sister to stay with his puppy-dog eyes.

Normally, Silena would turn to butter under the effects of Harry's puppy-dog eyes, but given the seriousness of the meeting, and her need to be there on time, she was able to resist this time. That didn't necessarily mean that it was easy to say no to the three-year-old toddler.

"I'm sorry Harry, but I have to go," She said, as she grabbed the last thing she needed before uneasily putting Harry down. "There's a very important meeting I have to go to. However, I promise that when I get back, I'll spend the rest of the day with you, and do whatever it is you want, okay?"

Silena smiled as Harry's frown turned into a big grinning smile, as he nodded his head. Now all she had to do was find someone to look after him while she was gone. The problem was, she and Harry, as far as she knew, were the only Aphrodite kids still in the cabin. That was at least, until she looked into the main living room of the cabin, and saw Drew Tanaka checking up on her makeup, using a small pink compact mirror. Rolling her eyes at Drew's obsessive need to make sure that her makeup, along with her hair and fashion choice, were all matched and perfect, she was glad that there was someone who could watch Harry while she was gone.

"Hey Drew, can you look after Harry while I'm gone?" She called out, walking towards the door with Harry running behind her as best he could on his little toddler legs. "I need to get to the Big House as quickly as possible because Chiron and Mr. D are expecting the cabin counselors to be there, and I can't take Harry there with me, nor can I afford to be late, lest I get in trouble."

"Uh-huh, sure thing." Drew replied, applying red lipstick onto her lips, before smacking them to make sure it was on properly.

Silena rolled her eyes again, before looking at Harry, and bending down on her knees. Gently cupping his little face in her hands, she looked into his watering green eyes.

"Now Harry, I should only be gone for a little bit, but I promise that I'll be back, and until then, I want you to listen to Drew, and do what she says, okay?" She asked kissing him gently on his head.

"Okay Sily." Harry replied, a small smile on his face.

Silena smiled, before getting back up to her full height, opened the door, and went out, closing it again. Harry went over to a small chair that Silena and a few other Aphrodite kids had gotten him one time, and sat in it, watching Drew. She was essentially doing nothing to watch him, as she continued to do her makeup, before checking her top, making sure that it matched her lipstick, before moving her hands to her hair. Feeling bored after what must've been ten minutes, Harry looked towards the door, a mischievous grin growing on his face, before he crawled out of his chair, tip-toed to the door. He looked at Drew one last time, grinning that she still wasn't paying attention to him, and looked up at the doorknob. Closing his eyes, he focused on his magic and willed it to turn the knob, which it did, allowing the three-year-old toddler to open the door, and sneak out without Drew seeing it.

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