Who are you People?

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3rd POV

,,H-huh?" said the blond boy ,,do I know you guys?"

,,What do you meen Dream?" said the younger boy "ofcourse you know us."

Dream POV

I was staring at the two guys that came out of the bush. A child and a floating man?

 And a blue sheep that i just noticed. Weird.

'Do I actually know them?' i thought.

I took a moment to examine them.

The "child" had blond hair, blue eyes and was wearing a white and red and white t-shirt with a black jacket/sweater, brown pants and white and black shoes(?)

The man had brown hair with black-brownish(?) eyes and he was wearing a yellow sweatshirt with black pants and greyish shoes.

Wilbur POV

,,Hi" i said 

,,My name is Wilbur or Ghostbur and the child is Tommy"

,,HEY I'M NOT A CHILD" i heard after saying that.

,,And this" i said as i pointed at friend ,,is friend"

'Friend was my pet sheep.''tho i didn't know he was following me and Tommy till before.'

,,O-ok, my name is Ghostdre or Dream" the other ghost said with a small smile.

Tommy POV

,,What happend to you" i asked Dream or Ghostdre now

,,I don't know just woke up here" he responded.

,,Ok so what do you remember?" i asked back.

,,I don't remember anything exept for my name"

'Huh that's wierd wen Wilbur died he only remembered happy memories and Glatt only sad ones(tbh i don't know if it's sad or happy memories anyways-),wierd...'

I snaped out of my thoughts to see Ghostbur talking with Dre.

,,Let's start heding back"

,,Can Dre come with us?" Ghostbur asked

,,Sure" I answered

,,Yay let's go" Wilbur shouted and grabed Dream and ran or floated.

,,WAIT FOR ME!" I shouted and ran after them.

'I wonder what happed to Big D' I thought while i running.

The Bright Side of Death(Discontinued)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora