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tw: rape

Clear, sparkling water;
I sit and stare at it, like I've done for all four summers that I've lived;
I dip my feet in the cool water and wait for him;
To come, and pick me up with his strong arms and spin me around and hold me as I wade through the creek fearlessly;
Fearless because i trust him.

Six more summers have passed, I still love the creek shaded by the trees;
Even though he has shown me more;
Majestic rivers, and even a waterfall;
He held my hand as he led me through the dangerous parts, and I followed him;
Fearless, because I trusted him.

Six more summers have passed, and a lot has changed;
The stars and gentleness in his eyes aren't always there anymore;
His laughs sound like disguised snarls;
The hair on his arms has started to resemble fur;
His smile is sharp, and sometimes when he smiles at me I feel it cut through my soul;
And the way he stares at me, reminds me of a wolf;
But I shake it off, and walk beside him as he leads me upstream;
A little fearful, because do I trust him?

And up there I find out that he really is a wolf;
The trees hear my screams and weep;
But he tilts his snout upwards and howls, victorious;
The gentle hands have turned into rough paws;
And after he's done, he ponders on what to do with me as I watch helplessly;
Because I trusted him.

And finally he puts me to rest in the clear, sparkling water;
He's made sure that I can never trust again.

I might unpublish this later because I'm not really satisfied with it, and idk why I'm publishing it now. It's been in my drafts for a while. Anyways

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