Erwin Smith

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"How do we know that there aren't any humans outside of the walls?"

Erwin smith.

That's a name I was pretty familiar with, as he was the talk of our school a few years ago. The most painful memory I have of Erwin to this present day is seeing him stand by this fathers grave. No tears, just the look of pain in his eyes. As a child with both parents still alive I was always hesitant to go up to him and comfort him. I mean it's not like I could exactly relate to him so I just left him be.

I regret that. So much.

Throughout the rest of school he had his head down and eyes focused. On what? Nobody really knew. However, the look in his eyes was enough to make us cower in fear. Erwin smith had changed, that boyish grin had disappeared and all that was left was something on the lines of determination.

When school ended I went on to become a teacher, to hopefully educate young minds and bring hope and curiosity. Erwin Smith, however, joined the scouts. I wish I told him not to. I didn't want to see him suffer the same fate as everyone else who went outside the walls.

What surprised me though was the fact that he persevered and almost all his comrades survived. Had been almost 5 years since I'd seen him? Or was it 6? His face was still as stoic as ever, just a bit more defined. I remember when he came back with a short looking guy, I wonder who he was now that I think about it. Clearly someone special if Erwin decided to bring him in.

I lived in wall Maria, well that was until the year 845. I was lucky enough to flee to wall rose, as I was a teacher it was vital that I took care of the kids, others didn't have the same privilege. Seeing all those children and elderly struggle and cry was heartbreaking, all those kids left in my care after being separated from their parents was so hard to look at. After arriving in wall rose I took it upon myself to look after the young children that could not provide for themselves, soon I ended up finding work so I could start teaching children again.

This leads us to now. It's currently year 847 and I've been hired to teach the 104 cadet corps. Even though my main role is to teach children, after the attack on wall Maria I've spent a hand full of my time learning about the anatomy of Titans and how they function off numerous different teachers, books, or off anyone who even knows the slightest bit about them. My role is, whilst they're training, to teach them the anatomy of titans and how to kill them. Also their weak points or points that are vulnerable. When my previous colleagues found out my obsession with these creatures they thought I was weird, proving my point that no one wants to get off their ass and actually do something. Knowledge is power in this age, the more we know the better. It all worked out as soon commander Keith reached out saying he was looking for a new teacher for the 104th cadet Corps.

I just want to meet someone who has the same fascination of these creatures as I do. To talk day and night about them would be a dream.

Somehow, I have a funny feeling that teaching this batch of cadets is going to be one hell of a ride.

As the sun rises so does the nerves, I begin my routine of brushing my teeth, tying up my hair and exercise. I'm not exactly fat but nor am I skinny, I have what is considered an average body, I don't think much of it as who doesn't have a bit of fat on them nowadays. After exercise, here comes my favourite part, it's breakfast. A loaf of bread with cheese should do the trick, there isn't much food available as crops are still growing so I make the best I can with what I have. After breakfast I make my way to the training grounds, as I make my way there I wonder what the cadets are like. They're probably strong, I heard there are a few from wall Maria so they should... be... fine... what is this?



So it begins. This is definitely not what I was expecting. Should I break this up? This is kind of entertaining. As the two cadets scream at each other on the training grounds they don't notice Keith coming their way, this is going to be interesting.

The pursuit of freedom (Erwin Smith x reader) जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें