Chapter 2: Corrin Village

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So... guess I died again huh? Although I'm not in a white glowing room this time, but instead a vast black expanse. So that probably means I died for good then.

Wonder what Mr Voice is thinking now. Probably immensely disappointed in me, although it was his fault for summoning me. He can really only blame himself.

<===Do you wish to use Time Distortion's hidden skill "Memory Insight" on enemy: Goblin King?===>

Huh? So I still have my skill even after dying. Well it can't hurt to try it.


Suddenly the black expanse I was floating in blinked out of existence and transformed into a vast forest, trees covering the light from entering except for few places where light beams shone in.

The air was clean and refreshing, water could be heard running meaning a river was nearby.

But what was weird was a certain huffing noise, and my vision was much lower than before. I couldn't look around, but every now and then my vision would shift.

Suddenly after a couple seconds of the huffing noise, it stopped, and my vision started moving, it looked down to a pair of green arms holding a rusty sword and a beaten shield. Am I perhaps in the body of the Goblin I fought, no way, right?

But now that I think about it, the message that I got did say something about a goblin king. Was that tough goblin the goblin king?

But what does this all mean? I killed the goblin king, I am sure of it. So how can I be him now?

Before I could ponder these questions anymore the goblin's body started moving, leaping at a tree, closing the distance rapidly. Then when in range stabbing at the tree and following it up with rapid slashes, all precisely aimed for a single meeting point.

Seems he practiced and managed to make his own style of fighting, gotta give respect where it is due, the little dude was pretty dedicated.

The goblins body also moved and twisted about, avoiding pretend attacks from the tree. Whether they hit him or he dodged them is up to his imagination though.

Suddenly the vision of the goblin striking the tree fades and is replaced with a much less calming scene.

A battlefield with goblin bodies all over the place, blood dying the grassy lands of the flat plains red.

My vision was of the goblin king on a hill overlooking the battle, strangely though the battle was not against humans, but goblins. 

Suddenly a smaller goblin appears at my side and reports, "The resistance are nearly all but dead and their commander's hideout has been found."

It was in a language different from the humans, but I could understand it all the same.

"Good, push forward. I will join the battle."

The goblin king grabs a shinier sword than before, resembling the one he had when we fought and a shield, also in much better condition, and starts going into battle.

My vision cuts there and is replaced with the goblin king in the middle of the battle, slashing enemies, deflecting blows and countering the poor goblins who dared strike at him. Every now and then a stronger opponent would come forward but even they were no match.

After watching the goblin king cut through countless enemies he comes to what was reported to be the enemy commander's hideout. Inside is a scrawny goblin who looks more of the smart and strategic kind rather than the brawny, fighter type. Needless to say he had resigned to his death and with one stroke his head came clean off.

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