They didn't make a line, rather they stood out of order and a bit scrambled.

There was enough room from them and the guys, however they seemed a bit closer to you than them.

"Hi there." One said and his voice was actually a bit deeper than the others, yet the thing that phased you the most would be his height.

He was much taller than you and you made sure to pay attention as he spoke.

"I'm not going to purposely intimidate you. Because I can see I already have. My name is Johnny, and I am one of the four..." He motioned to the other guys beside him. "Hitmen."

You kept back the urge to widen your eyes. These guys were so intellectual and precise about everything.

You never knew criminals could be so much like regular people.

You've had these fantasies fill your head ever since you were a child. That criminals couldn't possibly be the same as people, they were so called "insane" and not in the right mind.

But was there something behind all of that? Were they just like you? Trying to make it by one day at a time?

You know your father would look upon your thinking as not only childish but pointless.

He was a professional man and you always trusted him.

At this time though, you couldn't help but wonder what exactly would happen to you and who exactly these people were.

Was it wrong to want to see who they really were?

Soon you were snapped our of your thoughts, as the next male, after Johnny stepped up a bit closer to grasp your attention, and introduce theirself.

"I feel as though introducing ourselves is ultimately unnecessary and pointless due to the fact that you aren't going to like being here either way. But since I am forced to do so, my name is Hendery."

He bowed to you, which took you by surprise and the next male gave you a different vibe, which wasn't exactly a good thing.

"I'm Jaehyun, and I want to make you aware of a few things."

He was very direct and didn't hold back in the slightest.

"One. I do not play games, if you are rude, disrespectful or doing something we have told you not to....I'll make sure it's the last thing you can do. Number two. I'm not sure if the rules have been laid out for you, but you must listen to all of our demands. You have no choice."

His body inched closer and closer to you as he spoke.

All of the events laid out were so surreal and you felt like just curling up in a ball. You felt helpless.

Before he could get too close, Taeyong spoke. "Jaehyun. Back. No need to be so rude. She's been very cooperative and somewhat a quiet person."

Jaehyun backed up.

"Go easy on her." Kun said and Jaehyun smirked and his eyes glaced back at Kun and then made their way to yours.

"You guys know I always do it rough."

He bit his lip and let it go with a quick flick and you couldn't look up anymore.

You looked at the ground.

What have you gotten yourself into?

The last male in the lineup spoke. "I'm Jeno. I hope you can be cooperative and follow out our commands."

You glanced up and nodded. Jeno spoke again, but you knew this time he was paying more and more attention to your expressions.

"Johnny, Hendery, Jaehyun and I. We are the hitmen of this group, to put it in a rather blunt way. And-..."

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