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"hey Rosie are you here" Draco called as he just flo in.

"Yeah" I called from my room and I heard him run up the stairs and stopped at my bedroom door leaning against the frame

He looked a lot different from when we last saw each other two months ago but frankly so did I as I looked more mature and a bit taller but as usual Draco was taller as always.

"Hey you wanna go to the beach" he asked with a smirk '

"yeah" I said obviously

"cool, put on a bathing suit and meet me down stairs" he said walking away from my door frame and running down stairs.

I stood up from my chair and went into my closet, putting on my black bathing suit. It was a two piece with a black top and a black floral high waist bottoms.

I put on a sweater that went down to my knee and my sandals. Then went down stairs where Draco was waiting for me, he smirked seeing me and I did a twirl showing off. "Do I look okay?" I asked and he chuckled

"beautiful, as always" he said and I blushed and rolled my eyes

"Come on" he said holding out his hand and I took it. We flo to the beach nobody was their except their was candles and chairs.

"Aw look, how cute" I said nodding towards the area that another couple probably set up

Draco chuckled and took my hand leading me over to flower petals. He went behind me putting his hands my waist "actually love, this is for you.." he said

The flower petals read 'will you be mine, Rosie'. I was so touched as I put my hands on my chest.

"Draco, did you do all this?" I asked looking towards him. He smirked and wrapped his arms around meeting my stomach, hugging me and pulling me towards him .

"Draco, you shouldn't have it's to much" I said turning around towards him, his hands still on my waist

"of course I did, your something special to me. I've never like anyone but you." He said and I smiled looking into his sparkling eyes

"I would love to go out with you Malfoy" I said and kissed his cheek as he smiled. We sat down in the chairs watching the sunset

"Stella..." Draco said suddenly. He never says my real name unless he has to tell me something important.

"Yes?" I said looking at him, he looked really nervous and scared

"theirs something you should know..."

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