1. New Customer

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My lifes pretty boring, I live in a small apartment with my bestfriend Frank. He's a little weird, but I've known him for a good while and I'd trust him with my life. I work in a small cafe, a locally owned one, some old couple that retired a few months back and now their son manages it. Frank works in a record shop, I dont know much about his job, other than that it's a few blocks from the cafe. He rarely talks about it and when I bring it up he changes the subject.

My parents passed when I was young, leaving me with no immediate family and forcing me to be shoved into the foster care system. Which wasn't very good on my part or the part of the adults who tried to take me in, I guess I was always considered a sort of 'Problem Child'. Eventually people gave up trying and I stayed in the orphanage until my eighteenth birthday. That's when I chose to move back to H/T to get away from the place. To start my new life...

I made it here, running on a small bit of cash from my parents, the orphanage had been told to hold onto for me until I left. I used said cash to fly back here, splitting the first payment of our apartment with a childhood friend.

I was lucky to run into him, seeing as I didnt have the money for even the shittiest apartment in town. But eventually he became a little distant and secretive, so here we are now... Sprawled out on the couch, our legs tangled together as our heads rest on opposite arm rests, laughing at something stupid he said. Laughing together for the first time in weeks...


I prop myself up against the counter, business was slow today, but no one normally came in until later in my shift anyways. Soon a man in a blue suit and slightly messy orange hair walks in. I smile at him, "hello, welcome to H/T Beans! (I'm not creative okay XD) What can I get ya?" I ask politely. He smiles at me as he approaches the counter "I'll take a..." he pauses for a moment, before shrugging "what's good Sugar?" He asks, I look at him, my face heating slightly. "Well, I normally get F/D (something you can get at a cafe, preferably a type of coffee), but ya know, it's all pretty good." I smile and he tilts his head "I'll take that then," he says, a wide grin taking over his face. He really is absolutely gorgeous...

I smile and punch his order in, "alright that'll be $3.50, can I get a name for that order?" I ask looking up at him, "Gerard," he smiles. Where have I heard the name before..? He hands me a ten and smiles "keep the change Sugar," he winks. "I can't take this big a tip, my job isn't that difficult, I just sta-" he cuts me off, leaning toward me on the counter "keep. The. Change. Sugar." He says, slightly more serious, an air of authority in his voice, making him a little intimidating.

I shove the change into my pocket and walk off to make his drink, before bringing it back, "here ya go Gerard!" I say cheerily, handing it to him. As I do so, our hands brush and he slips a paper into my hand. "Thanks Y/N!" He says cheerily "how do you-" we dont wear name tags, we don't have a big enough budget to afford them... his eyes widen and he mutters a light "shit," under his breath, before rushing out the door, flashing a smile and winking right before stepping out the door. I look down at the paper in confusion, before unfolding it,
(Insert random number here)

His number? I shrug it off and shove the paper into my pocket. I swear I've heard the name Gerard before... it's not a common one that's for sure, at least not now... maybe Frank? Probably... but is it the same guy? The rest of the work day passes as usual, my regulars come in and order the same thing they always do. At about lunch time, Frank shows up, "Hey Bitch!" He shouts, strutting through the door as usual. I laugh and tell the manager I'm going on lunch, "hey dumbass!" I say through small giggles, walking up to my bestfriend. "Rude." He says with a serious look on his face.

We both burst out laughing and go to a diner down the street, as usual. We step in and the waitress recognizes us immediately, "Frank! Y/N! Hey guys how have you been?" She asks, signaling us to follow her to an empty booth. I smile "great, how about you?" I ask "eh, same shit different day," she chuckles as we sit down "the usual?" She asks, both Frank and I nod. I look at Frank and launch into a story about the guy who came in today, "wait. Gerard?" He asks, confusion clear on his face, "that's what he said his name was," I shrug "what'd he look like?" He asks. "Messy red-orange hair, hazel eyes, blue suit, red tie, about this tall," I hold my hand out to the side, a few inches above where my head would be if I was standing. He hums lightly and pulls out his phone, rapidly texting someone, before shoving it back into his pocket.

The waitress, I can never seem to remember her name... I look at her name tag, Rebecca. How is that hard to remember?! I shrug it off as she places our food on the table, along with our drinks and walks off to another table with a smile.

When we finish I check the time, five minutes to get back... I smile at Frank, standing and handing him some money to pay for mine, "I gotta go, see ya later Frank!" I say quickly, rushing out the door.

I make it back to work and clock back in, just in time. I smile and step back over to the register to continue my usual work day, which goes by quickly. At about 4:30, I clock out and say bye to my co-workers and manager, stepping out the door and walking home.

When I make it home, Frank is already there, sprawled out on the couch, watching The Blair Witch Project with a bored expression on his face and an open pizza box on the coffee table. "Why the fuck are you watching Blair Witch?" I ask, laughing lightly "Cause theres nothing good on Netflix and I don't feel like hooking up the DVD player..." he says, a slight whine in his voice. I laugh louder and walk to the bathroom, taking a quick shower and throwing on my pajamas, which consists of an oversized t-shirt and a pair of fuzzy pants.

I step back into the living room to see that Frank had finally put in the effort to plug up the DVD player and was watching Little Shop Of Horrors, I sit on the couch, throwing my legs across his and try to reach for the pizza, which is just outside of my grasp. "Feed me Seymour, feed meeee!" I say with the plant, holding back a laugh. He snorts and pushes the pizza box across the table so I can reach it. "Thank you," I laugh and the rest of the night passes with just us watching movies, until we pass out on the couch.


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