Chapter 41: UA Summer Training Camp

Start from the beginning

Back to 1-A of UA though! As they were all sitting in the hot springs enjoying a relaxing time, the resident pervert decided to attempt to climb the walls and peek at the girls but was met by Kota who kicked the pervert down the wall but fell himself when he accidentally saw into the girl's side. Before he could hit the floor below though he was caught by Hitoshi who took him to his guardians. Hitoshi asked why he glares so much at them and they explained his hatred of heroes and Hitoshi nodded his head at what he was told. Soon he returned to the baths and relaxed as he thought about Kota's situation unaware that the information he received was outdated. 

Soon the night turned to day and their second day of camp began and they all were gathered in the field where Eraserhead made Bakugo do the ball test from the start of the year once again. Everyone thought it would be a higher distance but it hardly changed at all. "As you can see, we spent the semester training all of your other aspects of being a hero but we didn't expand your quirks much at all. Quirks are muscle and the more you use them the stronger they became. That is the focus of this summer camp as we will be training your quirk muscles." Eraserhead said and Kota was watching a bit away and snorted. 'If you wanted to train quirks so badly then why didn't you help your former student Eraserhead?' Kota thought about how Halo was expelled from UA due to only receiving his quirk a few months before the first day of school and not having time to really train it. Kota firmly believed just like Izuku Midoriya that Eraserhead was quirkest and had discriminated against Izuku because he was quirkless for so long because otherwise, it meant Eraserhead was just purely lazy and didn't want to help a student learn to control their quirk even though they had passed the same exam that Eraserhead had failed to pass. 

The UA students spent most of the day doing their training as 1-B arrived with their teacher Vlad King. The 1-B students were just arriving and saw all of the 1-A class members doing their training and thought they were a bit crazy but got fired up when their teacher hyped them up saying that it was their time to finally shine in the spotlight instead of the 1-A class members. However, unknown to all of them the camp was about to take a dark turn that night as the League of Villains was prepared to attack with their newer members.

The night was quickly approaching and standing on a mountainside in the distance were the members of the Vanguard Action Squad from the League of Members. These members had all joined the League due to how powerful they had been and were wanting to take a hit at the hero society for various reasons. Soon as the night got darker they set their plan into action as they split across the forest once the students entered it for a game of scaring each other. They also had a kill list but in reality, they were there to capture a student from UA and attempt to recruit them to become a villain as they believed they were truly made to become a villain instead of a hero. Ironically, if they knew of what Bakugo Katsuki has done then there was a good chance they might not even want him themselves because quite a few members of the League now came from pasts filled with abusers and Bakugo Katsuki was one thing more than anything, he was an abuser! 

Soon the night peace was torn and the forest was ablaze as everyone was confused about what was happening until they heard a voice in their head that they recognized was from one of the Pro Heroes in the Pussycats. They were told that the camp was under attack from villains and that they were to retreat to the lodge as quickly as possible but unluckily for a lot of them, they would never make it to the lodge without risking their lives as the night turned into chaos and they all got a taste of what the future would hold for them all. As everyone was fighting throughout the forest, several villains were aiming at one student in particular. They were aiming for Bakugo Katsuki who they believed would be a perfect fit to join the League of Villains though it was only based on his attitude and aggressiveness that he has displayed from the U.S.J. and the Sports Festival since the League didn't even know about all of the crimes he has committed due to them being covered up.

While they were hunting Bakugo down, another villain that goes by the name of Muscular was making his move and was about to kill the small child named Kota but luckily for him, fate had other plans as Shinso had arrived in time. "OI MEATHEAD!" Shinso yelled out and the villain responded with a "huh?" which ended up getting him trapped inside of the brainwashing quirk. "Kid come with me and let's get out of here!" Shinso said as he was having some trouble keeping the villain under his control. 'God Daamn it... all of the training today has pushed me past my limits and I am struggling to keep him under control!' Shinso thought as he grabbed Kota and ran away. Soon they got far aware before they heard the villain scream but luckily for them, they were already far away so they wouldn't get found but unluckily for one UA student Bakugo Katsuki he didn't get away from the villains that were after him.

No, sadly for him he was captured by the villain known as Mr. Compressor as he trapped him into marble and started to run away. As Bakugo's so-called friends started to chase after the villain to get him back, they chased the villain down to an area with another villain called Dabi who was responsible for the fires across the forest. "Give us Bakuobro back!" Kirishima yelled out and Dabi chuckled but an attack came from one of t he 1-A class members knocking the marbles out of their hands. They grabbed them and found that Tokyomia was in one of the marbles but Bakugo wasn't in the other one. 

"Looking for this?" Mr. Compressor asked as he stuck his tongue out and showed the marble. Everyone was stunned as Dabi took the marble and out came Bakugo as Dabi pressed his hand around his neck and pulled him into a purple portal as they all fell back. Kirishima yelled out for Bakugo but they were too late as he went through the portal and was taken away. Bakugo Katsuki had been captured by the League of Villains and this would be a large hit towards UA's and the heroes' reputation. 

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