Chapter 1: Visitors

Start from the beginning

Every two weeks four disciples, one from each of the Great Sects, visited the Burial Mounds to check on what he and the remnants were doing. It was a condition of the test. This test was put in place two years ago and requested by Lan WangJi himself. Wei WuXian felt his heart race a bit as he recalled the white-robed man with molten gold eyes. It was five months after Wei WuXian had 'politically' defected from the YunmengJiang Sect after saving the Wens. Lan WangJi had apparently gathered his older brother, Lan Xichen, Wei WuXian's younger brother, Jiang Cheng, and Wei WuXian and Jiang Cheng's brother in law, Jin ZiXuan, to propose an answer in his situation. After a few days of arguing and protests, an agreement had been made. Wei WuXian would spend three years secluded in YiLing, unable to leave the small town for any reason. He was also not allowed to cause any trouble nor interact with anyone from the outside in fear of Wei WuXian doing some terrible deed.

This test had gone to affect the day after Wei WuXian's nephew's one month celebration. Apparently, though the test had been agreed on, they hadn't actually expected it to be used. But before the official banquet could start, Jiang Cheng had brought out the scroll with signatures and explained to Wei WuXian in front of all the sect leaders. Wei WuXian had known before hand from a certain jade, but played dumb and nodded along listening. In the end, he smiled and agreed that after he left the Banquet, he would adhere to the set terms and a disciple from each great sect could visit him every two weeks.

Finishing the apple and ending his thoughts from straying into the eventful two years ago, Wei WuXian looked at Wen Ning, asking slowly, "Are you sure?"

Wen Ning gave a firm nod.

"Okay...I'm going to go set up the barricades again. A-Ning, join me. Everyone else, don't worry. If someone visits and we're not around, you all know what to do," Wei WuXian looked around, receiving nods with smiles.

Wei WuXian then raised his eyes to three spirits behind him, smiling kindly and speaking to them. The Wen remnants couldn't see the spirits at the moment, but they had seen Wei WuXian seemingly talk to what they saw as nothing numerous times before, "Take care of them should anything go wrong,"

Wei WuXian looked back to Wen Ning after the spirits assured him to do as he told them to, giving a small nod and following the male down the mountain. When he reached the foot of the mountain where the walls and barriers were set to be placed, Wei WuXian reached into his robes. He pulled out a couple of talismans, sending them out as a red barrier appeared. He then added a touch of resentment energy to further secure this section. He and Wen Ning walked around from the back of the mountain, setting up wards and barriers.

"I haven't broken anything, and its not time for anyone to check on me," Wei WuXian spoke his thoughts outloud, "I wonder why they're here..."

"Perhaps a visit?" Wen Ning suggested warmly.

Wei WuXian laughed out loud.

While he would be honored to entertain the thought of his martial brother visiting him, it was extremely unlikely. Jiang Cheng was a Sect Leader now and couldn't risk inflicting himself with Wei WuXian, especially while the test was still being conducted. Only after the time had ended would it be less risky for any of his old acquaintances to visit or invite him anywhere.

Jiang Cheng did speak with him and kept in touch using a gadget Wei WuXian had created specifically for himself and the Jiang siblings to communicate with, which was actually a birthday gift for Jiang Yanli after she fussed over him at Jin Ling's one-month celebration.

It was the last time most of his friends and family had seen him, and he would be lying if he said he didn't know he had changed.

He was lucky that the four disciples who checked on him at the start and end of each month were quite friendly and nice. Wei WuXian had already acquainted himself kindly, far enough in their friendship that the disciples stayed much longer than they needed during their visits to help around or to chat about. And he trusted these disciples enough to pass on birthday gifts to his friends and family from him.

Of course, he sent one of his most trusted ghosts along to make sure they got to the right person and the disciples were safe from harm on their way back.

So, despite having a few connections to the outside world, no one would visit him. And after an occurrence with a few Lan disciples and a fierce corpse that was not inducted by him, since he was indeed being visited by the four disciples the day it showed up in Yiling, the town of Yiling usually sent any problems that needed cultivation to him. Before- they feared him.

Now, many of the townspeople had grown quite used to him and the Wen's. It was nice to see a warm change and have people he could laugh and talk to without worrying about them shying away. It felt nice to know that when any rude gossip and rumors had reached Yiling, the natives and people familiar with him would shoot them down and bash the rumors.

"Ying-Ge, " Wen Ning called and Wei WuXian glanced at the fierce corpse, "I hear voices,"

Wei WuXian stopped in his place, listening past the wind and shielding his ears from the resentment and spirits trying to call him from the Burial Mounds. While he had control and acceptance, it didn't mean there weren't demons and things trying to make him lose control. Shaking it away, he focused, listening to the whispers fade into a small buzz. Indeed, there were two faint voices and footsteps not too far from where they stood. Quickly, he activated the barriers in this area and began to move. Wei WuXian shared a glance with Wen Ning and the two backtracked, weaving their way through the dead forest and onto a cluster of large boulders, hidden by the shade of a tree.

Wei WuXian waited silently, watching with narrowed eyes as the voices grew clearer and louder.

"Are you sure this is the only way?"

"No...but it's for the best,"

Wei WuXian's eyes hardened, recognizing those voices. To be sure. he jumped down landing on the patch and walking forward, Chenqing in his fingers. He spotted the two cultivators standing in front of a group of disciples, outside the red ward, one half of the group was dressed in violet, the other in white with forehead ribbons wrapped perfectly around their heads.

It was none other than the Sects and Sect Leaders of Lan and Jiang.

Lan Xichen and Jiang Cheng.

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