​"So, Alex," Stephan started, "What do you think of that airline food? Terrible stuff huh?"

​"What?" Alex said confused. Stephan let out an embarrassed chuckle, and quickly changed the subject.

​"I don't know about you, or you too Ally, but I haven't really thought that much about-you know-my family back home," Stephan admitted to his companions.

​"I haven't really thought 'bout mine either," Alex agreed, "I guess cause its too depressing to think about them." Ally nodded in agreement.

​"Yeah, it is," Stephan said, "But you know what, I'm actually beginning to miss school."

​"I am too," Alex admitted, "Man, I never thought I would say that."

​"I know right!" Stephan exclaimed. He glanced over at Ally, who hadn't said a word since leaving the plane.

​"What about you Ally?" Stephan asked the girl. "Do you miss school?" Ally nodded, her face expressionless. Stephan turned away from her and sighed. He wondered if she was angry with him for not staying with the plane, she certainly acted as though she was.

​"Well, at least we're close to the bottom now," Alex stated, "And it's warmer." Neither Stephan nor Ally seemed to hear him, too absorbed in their own thoughts.

Oh Jason, Ally thought to herself, I'm sorry. I'm sorry I wasn't able to convince Stephan and Alex to stay with the plane. But how could I have? Stephan had already decided we would go to the river together, I don't know anything that I could've said to make him stay. Man, I hope you won't be mad at me when we find you. Please don't be...

What am I going to do? Stephan asked himself. So many were lost...even some of my friends, like Jake Winston...and Lola. How am I going to be able to face their families? To face their parents? And some of them died because of me, a lot of them died because of me. How am I going to tell their families that? They'll want to know what happened, and I should tell them the truth. I will tell them the truth. Oh, how did I end up here? Why me?

As the kids continued they kept a watchful eye out for Jason. The closer they got to the bottom, the less snow there was. Consequently, they were beginning to lose Jason's tracks.

"I don't think we're gonna find him, alive anyway," Alex muttered. "It's gonna be dark in a few hours or so, and if we don't find him by then than he's a goner."

"We'll find him," Stephan replied, "If not today than tomorrow. Jason's a tough, stubborn kid; he can probably make it through the night on his own." Outwardly, the troubled leader was keeping an optimistic view on the matter, but deep down he too doubted the possibility of Jason surviving the night on his own. And as the day dragged on, he began to doubt them ever finding Jason, alive at least. Maybe not even then.

"Yeah, I know he'll make it," Ally added. Stephan glanced at her, and saw that she was walking with downcast eyes and a lowered head.

"Joe didn't make it," Alex reminded them.

"We don't know that," Stephan said quickly.

"Well, I'm sure he's dead now," Alex said. Perhaps if he still had some energy, Alex would've been more sympathetic about the death of those who had died, but he was growing more and more immune to the traumatic events he had been through.
A low roaring sound caught the group's attention. The trio stopped dead in their tracks, not even allowing their breaths to be heard, as they listened intently to the noise. It was the unforgettable sound of an airplane flying overhead.

"It's back?" Alex broke the silence. As excited as Stephan was, he knew it wasn't the helicopter. It was just an airplane flying overhead; just like the one they had crashed in. There was no chance of the people seeing them.

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