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Fresh mountain air blew across my face and I inhaled deeply, identifying every smell in that single breeze. I could smell the pine sap and the crisp autumn leaves, the river and the flowers all around me.

Today the sun had called to me, invited me to bask in its warmth so I had ventured out to the back patio, passing through the open archways, the black and white checkered floor leading down to a set of stairs to the first tier of the garden.

The first tier was full of huge potted plants stationed in elaborate vases with white sculptures decorating the garden between the brilliant green hedges. I found myself focusing on the vibrant colored flowers instead, the color green causing my stomach to curl.

Today I had ditched my sweatpants and large sweaters that had become my daily wardrobe. Instead, I had pulled out a pair of black jeans and a purple and white abstract shirt that was sleeveless.

I delighted in the chill that swept across my skin, eliciting goosebumps in its wake.

My wide brimmed black hat and sunglasses shaded me from the bright rays of the sun and allowed me to nap comfortably. I wasn't bothered and my meals followed where I went, appearing on the little table next to my black wicker chair.

The flap of heavy wings caused me to open my eyes and look for the source. The fluttering of song bird wings had only added to the symphony that nature created but the large woosh that resulted from the bird of prey was intrusive and worthy of pause and observation.

Much to my surprise an osprey with feathers that were white and black rather than white and brown was perched on the back of the wicker chair separated from me by the little glass table in between. It craned its neck as it looked at me with one of its yellow eyes.

I slowly removed my sunglasses, pulling them down over my nose as I stared back. I tilted my head in kind and watched the bird as it watched me.

When it flicked its head the other direction, I saw that the eye was a solid orb of milky grey.

"You are blind?" I asked it, wanting to know the story behind it.

Of course, the bird did not reply but it ruffled its feathers in a silent demand for something. I chuckled and lifted my arm out towards it, displaying my wrist and the three raised white lines there. "He removed three strips of muscle from my wrist after I slapped him when he bit me. I couldn't move my hand for three weeks until the muscles grew back." I shared my story with the bird. "What about you?"

The bird lifted its wings, and with a small flap it swooped down and snatched up my sandwich.

"Ahh a fight for food?" I pushed my sunglasses back up my nose. "Did you win?" I asked it.

The bird let out a shrill cry and took off into the air, my sandwich still in its claws.

I smiled at the bird, impressed that it still had the guts to fly despite its scar.

"I've never seen Gladious come so close to anyone before," a voice I hadn't heard in over a week came from behind me.

"He just wanted my food," I easily dismissed.


The male took the seat that the osprey had vacated. He braced his elbows on his knees his hands clasped together, his pointer fingers pressed against his lips as he stared out over his garden.

His black hair was different since I had last seen it. Now the sides were shaved closer to his head and the top was left longer where it was spiked up though I believed that was from him running his hand through the gelled strands.

Rabid for her revengeTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon