Chapter 39: I-Island Pt. 2

Start from the beginning

"So here is the plan! We need to get to the top floor so I can deactivate the system and fix it back under our control. To do as such, we need to work out ways through all of the defenses and guards that they will have. So those that want to come can but if you don't want to then you stay here and hide. Who's coming?" Melissa asked and all of them agreed to go with them. As such, they soon started to work through the defenses of the Island and any of the men that they encountered. As they progressed, some of them broke off from the group to handle situations in areas like Bakugo wanted to fight strong-looking men of the villains so he and Kirishima stayed behind and fought them. 

As they made their way through the thing they realized they wouldn't be fast enough so Izuku comes up with Kaplan. He tells Melissa to get on his back and she does but is confused on why. Everyone else is confused about why as well until Izuku breaks one of the glass windows and starts moving out of it. Everyone freaked out but he just waved goodbye and went scaling up the side but trapping into the metal and throwing himself up high and just kept repeating it as he broke windows again and gripping the edges and throwing himself again. Soon they make it up to the top of the tower and work their way through the guards that were positioned on the level of the security room. 

Due to how much power Izuku has under control, he easily makes their way since most of the villains were quite weak. As they approached the security room they found the villain that they heard being called Wolfram by one of his men, David Shields, and Sam the assistant. They watched as David Shield worked on a vault and opened it. Sam then grabbed the device and David looked pissed. "Why Sam... why!? If villains get their hands on that device then not even All Might might be able to stop a powerful villain if they wear it... you will throw the world into chaos!" David stated and Izuku was scared of the implications of that. 'If that device falls into his hand then we might never when based on what David is saying... this isn't good.' Izuku thought as he watched the villains and David in front of him. 

"Why? Because it isn't right that all of our hard work is ruined because of the Island! Even you wanted to steal it back at one point, admit it!" Sam yelled and David looked pissed. "Yea, I admit I was pissed and honestly had thoughts right after they took it but I realized that the device was indeed dangerous. I had made it to help All Might get back to his prime but... I realized it wasn't needed anymore since the future generation was already taking his place. As such, I agreed in the end with the Islands decision to hide the device away." David stated and Sam just laughed at him and said he was going to be rich now but then a bang sound was heard. *BANG* Everyone froze as they saw Sam drop to the floor as he had gotten shot by Wolfram. Sam asked why and Wolfram looked at him and smiled and said it was because he wasn't needed anymore. Wolfram then aimed the gun at David but Izuku got involved at that point and tossed a chair at Wolfram who was forced to dodge.

"WELL IF IT ISN'T HALO! I SEE I GET TO KILL THE FUTURE SYMBOL OF PEACE PERSONALLY! MY EMPLOYER WOULD LOVE TO HEAR ABOUT YOUR DEATH SINCE HE'S BEEN TRYING TO FIND YOU!" Wolfram stated and Izuku tensed a bit at the possible implications of those words. "Oh? Who is your employer?" Izuku asked and Wolfram smiled as he spoke. "Oh, you know who... the man himself that wants your master and you to die," Wolfram stated and confirmed Izuku's fears. If All For One got his hands on that device it would spell the end for the world! Izuku charged after Wolfram as he started to make his escape but not before taking David with him as a hostage. Melissa started working on the system to reactive it and knew she could leave the rescue of her father to Izuku. 

Soon, Izuku was out on the helipad fighting Wolfram as he had put the device on his head. The villain was truly far more powerful with the device on his head and he could see why All For One wanted the device so much. It would make him unstoppable! Izuku gritted his teeth as he worked through the attacks of Wolfram and grabbed the helicopter before he could get too far away and pulled it back down and destroyed the rotor on it so they couldn't fly off again. Wolfram was pissed at Izuku and started to send more attacks at Izuku who just dodged the attacks or destroyed them. Soon, Melissa came out of the control area with some of the students from 1-A with her who made it to the top finally. 

As Izuku dealt with a flying metal cube that came his way, All Might bursted out of nowhere and grabbed David from the villain. Wolfram looked even more pissed and increased his attacks as Izuku turns his comms onto All Might. "All Might can you hear me?" He asked and All Might responded that he could. "All Might, Wolfram has the device that David created to make you stronger again but the problem is that it makes the villain stronger as well. What's worst is All For One is involved! WE CANNOT LET THAT DEVICE GET INTO HIS HANDS OR WE WILL NEVER WIN AGAINST HIM!" Izuku stated and All Might face was full of shock at what he was told and he knew that with the power displayed here with the device... they couldn't let him get that device. Soon both of them started to power through the cubes and made their way closer to Wolfram. 

At one point, All Might got trapped by one cube and Izuku knew he needed to be a bit risky and push his power a bit. As such, he charged up from his limit and slowly increased it from 42% to 50% and he could feel the pain in his body. 'I am so going to be bruised by the end of this!' Izuku thought as he slammed into the metal that had trapped All Might and broke him free. Soon they both charged again to Wolfram and finally after more attacks made their way to the villain. Izuku and All Might both landed their punches at the same time and burst through and landed straight onto the villain which knocked him out. 

Soon the entire area was stormed with Pro Heroes that had dealt with all of the other villains. The device though, Izuku grabbed it and destroyed it right there and then. David looked shocked but he understood. That device was too powerful and could fall into someone's hands again if it stayed around so it was a good thing to destroy it. Izuku looked at his arm and saw some purple marks that indicated some under the skin bruising happened to his bone most likely. 'God, mom is going to be pissed!' Izuku thought as he covered his arm until he could receive some treatment for it. He did let All Might know about his wound since he had to push himself to 50% which was over his current 42% limit. As long as Izuku didn't cause any breaks then they would be good since that would lead to permanent damage. 

After everything calmed down, they all headed back downstairs as the cleanup would soon start. Though, this incident just proved that All For One was not going to stay dormant for much longer and he would make a personal appearance sooner rather than later. Izuku knew he needed to grow stronger because the calm before the storm was about to come to an end and Izuku was glad the Shiketsu High School summer training would be starting soon after he returned from I-Island. 

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