32 | ﴾ Your Call ﴿

Start from the beginning

I shrunk back against Draco, now wishing we were not in the room. I nudged his ribs to suggest we leave but he just moaned and disregarded me. His eyes were still shut as he played with the fabric of his dress pants absentmindedly, very drunk and unaware of the situation. My frustration began peaking as I tugged at his shirt sleeve where his fingers were drumming over his knees, with no avail - he was completely lost in his head.

Lucas spun the bottle without hesitation and it horrifically rotated head first towards Draco. He was not paying attention and everyone in the room began to loudly complain when he didn't react to the the scene.

I stood, still pulling at his jacket, "Draco, we are leaving. Dis is not a good idea." He opened his eyes a crack at the sound of his name.

Lucas glared up at me from where he was sitting by the fire, "Surely you're not dis insecure, Madeleine. Dis game is nothing new to you." His green eyes burned into me with resentment. I frowned at him knowing all too well why he'd chosen the game. In a previous life, spin the bottle had caused trauma for Lucas and me, and now he was exacting his revenge.

His attention shifted to Draco who was rubbing his face, "Spin the bottle Englishman, it's all harmless fun."

"You don' 'ave to spin it," I said hopelessly to Draco who was blinking at Lucas. He looked from me to the bottle with wonderment.

"What do I have to spin?" He asked stupidly. His eyes were so watery and he looked exhausted. My heart lurched for him. I began to pull at his arm again when my brother ripped me down hard.

I sighed forcefully and shut my eyes hard, "You technically 'ave to spin de bottle. But we should just leave. I 'ave been trying to tell you." I was really hoping he would object or act ignorantly.

His fingers reached forward and he spun it to my absolute terror. The glass swung against the wood grain creating a ribbing noise, then landed head first facing the black haired girl. She leaned close to her friends and whispered something, then started to crawl across the carpet.

I stuck my foot out defensively against her chest, "Don' even think about it." I spoke it with authority and warning. She sat back on her haunches and whined at my brother who was watching with thin eyes. The girl took a giant swig of the green liquor while she waited.

Éduin outstretched his hand against my leg, "Come now, Madeleine, don't be a wet rag." He was wasted, and it was obvious in the way he spoke. I gave him a pleading glance.

"I'll take as many shots as you want to avoid dis," I begged, feeling helpless. I kept my hand on Draco's leg protectively.

"It's de game, Madeleine," Lucas drawled from across me in animosity. He had a taunting expression once again.

"Can't you see he's already too drunk?" I snarled, my eyes viciously darting between the eager girl before us and Lucas. The thirst in her gaze as she panged after Draco was so aggravating I already wanted to rip her head off.

Lucas snapped his fingers repeatedly, "Oi Draco, straighten up boy. Tell us, are you too weak to participate?"

Draco raised his eyebrows at Lucas, seeming to come around to some form of sentience, "What's your problem now?" His voice was smoky and hoarse.

Lucas grinned menacingly, "You okay to play de game or does Madeleine need to put you down?" He was enjoying toying with Draco far too much. I fought against a burning desire to slap the grin off of his face.

Draco snorted and shook out his hair. I could see he was making an effort to shrug off the cloudiness of his inebriation in the confrontation of my ex boyfriend. "Sure, whatever."

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