Chapter I

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A/N I think I've been waiting for almost a year to publish this book!!! Welcome, everyone!

I just want to say that, due to me not knowing exactly how this is going to go, I'm publishing this chapter as a kind of preview. I have published this on November 11, 2021, so if it's still pretty close to that date I'm not sure if I'm going to update the book soon. I'm just testing the waters really.

So basically, no harrasing me in the comments to update. I'm not going to have an update schedule (for now at least) because I want to write this book for the fun of it. I hope all you Pokémon fans enjoy this book! Stay safe everyone and enjoy the sneak peek/first chapter!

Max was always told to distract himself with something when he was afraid, but it was a bit hard to ignore the fact that he was about 40,000 feet off the ground, higher than the Pidgeys, and forced to look down at all the microscopic flecks he assumed were skyscrapers. Yeah, give the window seat to the guy who's afraid of heights, that made obvious sense.

"How ya' holding up, scaredy-Meowth?"

Max groaned and turned around in his seat, trying not to look out the window, and glared at the person behind him. Griffin was the kind of guy who was an angel around the adults, but a complete brat around everyone else. He had the kind of face and smugness that made girls practically drool around him. His hair was slick and black like it was dowsed in oil, but he died it blue on the top and combed it back. If he had fake fangs and a leather jacket, he'd probably look like a vampire-rock star.

That image made him snicker, which he instantly regretted.

"What's so funny?" Griffin snapped, letting out a tiny hiccup-like crack at the end. He was older than Max, and way taller since he'd gotten his growth spurt, but part of puberty seemed to have forgotten that and decided to haul in the voice cracks a bit later than usual. Max wondered if it made him feel insecure, or if it made him think he'd have an extremely deep voice later on or something.

"N-nothing," Max said hurriedly. He tried to make a straight face, but the result probably looked like him trying to swallow a moldy Poképuff.

"You better watch it, Max," Griffin snarled. "Need I remind you that I'm the one that made sure you sat there, knowing about your problem with heights? I could do so much worse, so if you don't shut up right now I swear I'll--"

"How 'bout you shut up, Griffin?" the kid next to Max suddenly spoke up. Max turned to his right. The guy had an earphone in one ear that was partially covered by his dirty blonde hair. His arms were crossed over his Platinum-silver sweater, which had a Glalie decoration on the front.

If Griffin was shocked he didn't show it. "Stay out of this, Frosty," he snarled. Max was pretty surprised himself. He looked like he was asleep a moment ago!

"The name's Arron," the kid corrected.

"Whatever!" Griffin slumped back into his chair and grumbled, but didn't press further.

Max slid back down and glanced at Arron. "Thanks," he said in a whisper.

"Eh, no prob," Arron said dismissively, going back to rest.

Max liked Arron. He was the complete opposite of Griffin; he didn't pretend to be cool, he was cool ( pun intended). Griffin called him Frosty because of his interest in Ice-type Pokémon. The guy knows every Ice-type species by heart, along with the moves they can use, abilities, and so on.

Max has heard rumors about him though. Arron was one of those "mysterious" and emo kids; barely anyone knew much about him. He's heard some people whisper that his interest in Ice Pokémon started when he saw Articuno as a kid, but Arron never confirmed nor denied that. But, that was just one of the more wild theories.

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