2 - Princess

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Fuck fuck shit fuck shit fuck.

What the fuck is Ponthus doing here?

It has to be some sort of stupid idiotic prank or something, it has to be. He must have found out i work here and now he's come here to mock me. But how the fuck did he find out i work here?

My head starts spinning as i pace back and forth backstage. My performance was horrible, i couldn't do anything right once i'd seen him standing there in the crowd. Fuck, why did he have to be here of all places?

I can't stand the idea of him knowing i work here. I can see it all now, coming to school on Monday. He and all the other dip shits from the football team, laughing and mocking me. Ugh i really did not need this tonight.

"Hey, who's the hottie?" Marcus comes in from the stage area, covered in dollar bills. His sparkling USA thong is stuffed to the max and i curse at myself for not preforming my best tonight. It's all that fucking boys fault, he was distracting me.

"What, who?"

He smirks at me as he starts picking out the bills from his body, putting them into a jar at his desk.

"You know, the one with the eyes, at the back? The one who couldn't keep his eyes off of you the entire time you were up there?"

Shit, he's talking about Ponthus. Not that i think he's hot or anything, i just...i assume that's who Marcus is referring to. Ponthus would seem like his type...

And, staring? Was he? No, he wouldn't be staring at me. He probably zoned out...

"Aw! Look at you all blushing!" Marcus suddenly squeaks, pointing to my now slightly tainted cheeks.

I turn away from him quickly as i curse at myself, what the fuck is wrong with me.

"No i'm not, it's probably just the glitter reflecting or something"i mumble.

"Oh my god you totally were! Okay i need details, who is this dark haired beauty you seem so hard for? Is he someone from theatre?"

Fuck Marcus.

"No, he's just some idiot from school who thinks he's better than everyone else. And i'm not fucking hard for him"

I shoot him a warning glare underneath my eyelashes as he tries to hide his chuckle with a cough.

"Hey Dumptrunk, you've got a dance at table five, get your ass out there before i loose all my damn costumers." Linus shouts at me from the other room.

Marcus blows me a kiss as i leave the changing area, giving him the finger behind my back.

As i walk through the crowd i can't help but glance over at the bar, quickly searching the area for a familiar face.

He's gone.

Shit. He probably got what he wanted, a couple of stupid pictures and a good laugh and then left to tell all his stupid friends about the quiet theatre kid being a stripper. Any chance i ever had of having a social life, completely thrown out the window.

As i approach the small table in the dark room i see a figure sat in one of the chairs, he is here alone. I can't see much more than that due to the dark area and the smoke flowing through the thick air.

I tap the mans shoulder and a cold shiver travels through my spine as the man turns around and i am stood face to face with the brown haired football player.

"Oh hell no"

I turn to walk away but a firm hand grips around my wrist, pulling me back. The surprising action makes my body slam into his chest and i can feel the heat rising on my cheeks as i back away, hearing a quiet chuckle from the taller boy.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 11, 2022 ⏰

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