"Fine… Fine if that's what you want. Then we will just be friends,” he said in a defeated voice. I turned to leave the room. As I walked through the common area I saw Patrick sitting at the table.

“Are you guys finish playing around and back together now?”

“Patrick we aren’t getting back together, but we are back to being friends again.” I smiled as if that were enough. I made my way across the lot to the GCH bus. I headed strait to my bunk, I was content to spend all my time on this bus, I know I said we would be just friends but that didn’t mean I had to see him all the time right. Callie’s curtain was pulled back as I climbed into bed.

“So where were you last night?” she said with a Cheshire cat smile.


“I know you were with Pete, its about time you got over that stupid breaking up idea.”

“We are still broken up, and we are not getting back together.”

“Oh so you just had goodbye sex?”

“Sure call it that, we both agreed that we would stay friends.”

“Does that mean you will finally get off this stupid bus?”

“No, I like it here in my bunk, where no crazy fans can ask for my autograph while I’m on the toilet.”

“Non that only happened once.”

“Once is too many times.” we both laughed. “Are you still doing the Pro’s Con’s list?”

“Yeah why got something to add?”

“Just that you have loved Travis for years, and you only think you might like Gabe a little.” she just looked at me.

“That’s…ugh I can’t think of this right now.”

“Well you better start thinking about it cause there is only about a week before the tour is over then you lose them both so make up your mind.” I said I know I was being a little harsh, but she would be the same with me if I was in this situation.

“I’m …I’m working on it okay.”

“What ever, I’m going to sleep okay.”

“Why don’t you instead go hang out with Bill, you know that other friend you have been kinda neglecting.” she was right I hadn’t left the bus much so in turn I hadn’t been spending any time with anyone really. “He and Travis are both a little worried about you.”

“I’ll go say hi after I get up, okay.”

“No not okay,” she grabbed my arm pulling me out of the bed so that I hit the floor with a big thump. “Go say hi now.”


“Good.” I turned with a smile on my face, knowing that she knew that was just what I needed a swift kick in the butt.

When Callie Met Ronnie


After I had successfully gotten Nonnie to go see Bill, I retreated to my bunk with the list. I tried really heard to add to it but I kept getting easily distracted. Being back in my bunk reminded me of that first night with Travis and all of the nights after it. Then my mind wandered to Gabe, to the nice dinner and all the cuddles in his bunk we had shared. I began to play with the bracelet that Travis had given me. Clearly, I wasn't going to come to a decision this way.

I climbed out of the bunk and made my way to the front lounge. Once I realized that I was alone on the bus I sat at the front table to think. An hour later with nothin gadded to the list but doodles abour the edges, I threw my notebook I had been leaning on in frustration. "Hey, hey who's throwing things at my door," said a voice coming from the front cabin.

"Sorry Ronnie, it was me," I said as the bus driver opened the door.

"Oh hello there Ms. Callie and just what is causing you so much distress that you are throwing things at my door?"

"Ronnie what do you do when you have to choose between two things and you have no idea which one to pick?"

"You wouldn't be talkin' about Mr. Travis and Mr. Gabriel would you?"

"But...how do you know that?"

"The bus driver always knows what's going on. That's why it's important to be a good secret keeper I could make a fortune off all the things I've seen over the years."

"Well, I am talking about them as a matter-of-fact. I don't know what to do. I think I'm going to go crazy."

"Well perhaps you should take some time to meditate."


"That is what I do when I need to make a decision. Erase what everyone else has said to you. Close your eyes and take a deep breath. And just think."

"About what?"

"Well first of all you can thing about why you always need someone else's opinion," he chuckled, "Then you might want to think about why this decision is so hard to make. The first answers you come up with will be very obvious; but dig deeper than that."

I got up and picked up the list and my notebook. "Thanks Ronnie, I'll try that right now." He nodded and closed the door back. I sat down at the table once again and tried to relax myself. I closed my eyes. Ok meditate. Erm...breathe, he said to take deep breaths. Ok, now what? Oh yeah, think about why this decision is so hard to make. Because they're both great guys obviously. Wait, he said not to go with the obvious answer. Ok so what other reason could there be? I don't know for sure what I'm looking for in a guy. But why don't I know that? Why did I need everyone around me to tell me what I needed and what was best for me? That's when the light bulb went off. It wasn't just an answer, it was inspiration. I opened my notebook and began scribbling furiously.

I had just crossed my last "t" and dotted my last "i", when Nonnie walked in. I smiled widely at her. She stopped dead in her tracks, "What did you do?"

I laughed, "I didn't do anything."

"Then why are you smiling," she asked still suspicious.

"Becasuse I'm happy and relieved."

"Hmmm, does that mean you've made a decision because I haven't seen you look happy for half the tour."

"I have," I said mischeviously.

"Oh my god will you stop stalling," she laughed, "What are you going to do?"

"Well I've been thinking a lot and I think the answer is..."

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