I Wanna Be Yours (Part 4)

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Book of one shots?

ALSO Quin's pronouns are they them sooo

N e ways on the the story




The next morning, I woke up to my alarm, which was ringing right next to my ear. I groaned and shut it off. I really didn't feel like doing anything today. It was February 10, three days before Suna's wedding. We were going to only practice the songs we were going to sing for about 2 hours and had the rest of the day off. I let out a tired sigh and hauled myself out of my comfortable bed to start my morning routine.

I picked out my outfit today, which was just a navy blue crop top with a crescent moon in the middle, white high waisted ripped jeans and my doc martens. I decided to just leave my hair down and did some light makeup. I felt kind of extra today so I put on some rings and a simple necklace. Finally satisfied with the way I looked, I walked out of my room to greet the others and finally have breakfast.

We went to a small cafe for breakfast. I got some coffee and a bagel and walked over to our table. Bfs/n had her arm around me in a comforting manner as I ate. The room was filled with tension, everybody clearly avoiding the topic of the wedding and our practice session today. We walked back to the hotel and were greeted by Lilith. She ushered us into a car and just like that we were on our way to the wedding reception venue.

We helped grab our instruments and set up on the stage. We practiced all the songs Rin's fiance asked us to first. Ameer handed me a water bottle and I sat down next to him. That's when we heard a knock on the door. We all looked to Lilith and she shrugged. She opened the door and a woman came in.

"Excuse me ma'am but this is a private practice I'm going to have to ask you to leave." The woman looked very offended by what Lilith said.

"For your information I happen to be Suna's fiance. I came over here to make sure our entertainment was ready for our big day. I have everything ready and perfect. I just needed to make sure you guys are actually good,"

I scoffed and I could see by the look on the rest of my bandmates faces they were offended too. Lilith looked like she was going to slap her. She told us to get in our places and play the songs in the order we were told to in a clearly forced nice tone. I snickered and we played the songs the fiancee wanted.

We finally finished some songs after about half an hour. I grabbed my water bottle and started chugging. I looked over to Quin, who was asking whatever her name is if everything was performed all right. She nodded her head and gave us a thumbs up before mumbling how this had to be perfect. She walked over to Lilith and talked for a bit but I don't really care what she has to say, because I know we are good, and this favor is for Rin not whatever her name is.

Quin probably noticed I was tense because they walked over to me and gave me a reassuring pat on the back and a smile. It calmed me a bit however I was still irritated. Whatever her name is left and we got back to practice. Lilith went out as well, but she left to get us lunch.

I was relaxing a bit and messing with some strumming patterns. That's when a little tune got stuck in my head. I started humming it and Quin and Ameer picked up on it humming the tune as well. I started mumbling small words along with the tune and then had a couple of lines. I quickly ran to get my notebook from my bag and wrote down the lyrics before I forgot. I went back to strumming and recreated the tune. I wrote down the notes and started strumming the pattern. Ameer and Bsf/n went to pick up their instruments and mimicked what I was doing and added more to it.

We had the beat. I wrote down the notes and patterns and recorded how it sounded just in case. I played the recording on repeat while mumbling more words that weaved into lyrics. My mind flooded with my frustrations and feelings about Rin and as a result the song ended up being about him. It both relieved and angered me in a way. I was relieved because I had what I wanted to say out in the open but angered me because I so desperately wanted to get over this to forget about him after this wedding.

I handed the lyrics to Quin and we both sang with the recording until they picked up the rhythm and tempo of it all. I continued to edit and pick at the song for a while and then it was perfect. We practiced the song over and over.

Lilith came into the room holding a bag of tacos. I licked my lips hungrily and snatched the bag open before handing the tacos to everyone in the room. I ate quickly before replaying a recording of us playing the new song. I was looking for things we needed to fix, but it was good we just need to practice.

"That new?" Lilith asked. I nodded my head

"When did you have the time to write that?"

"While you were out getting food."

She gave me a look of shock then nodded knowing that when I write, all the words spew out at once.

"Speaking of that song, I think this should be one of those songs where you sing the lead," Quin said.

I thought about it for a moment. Do I want to make myself vulnerable and sing this alone? I did the same with 'I wanna be yours' and where has that gotten me? Oh yeah that's right; to the man I'm in love with's wedding.

Quin must have figured out what i was thinking because then they said,"you might feel vulnerable but it really just shows your strength. Only someone who is strong could put their feelings out into the world like you do."

I nodded my head, knowing better than to argue with Quin. Quin then raised their brow as if to ask me 'so you gonna do it or not?'

"sure why not," was all I said.

I really didn't want to, but I know how hard it is to negotiate with a stubborn Quin. I sighed and continued with my song until his fiancee came in without knocking. We all turned our heads to stare at her but quickly got back to our own stuff when she headed over to Lilith. I didn't bother to listen to what she had to say. She then left again and Lilith stood in front of everyone.

"Alright guys, you guys sound amazing as always, so you're free to go do your own thing. Also, make sure that you have decided what songs of your choice you guys want to play alright? Y/n agreed to play her new song so practice until you have it down and just pick what other songs you plan to play."

We all let out a relieved smile since we finally were free from the horrendous music the fiancee wanted us to play. We all gathered in a circle and sat down while Lilith went out again to do some paperwork. We discussed what songs to play and such. We finally finished deciding and then packed our stuff so we could head out. Lilith had come back and told us to be back at the hotel by 8 pm. Julie, our pianist, asked me to join her and Ameer to go to the movies but I declined since being a third wheel with them was terrible.

Those two probably can and would have sucked their faces off by the end of the movie. I speak from personal experience. I shuddered at the memory and walked to the cafe we went to in the morning. I got some hot chocolate and a croissant and sat down at an empty booth next to the window. I thought about everything going on. I was really going to perform at my ex's wedding. I sighed and finished my hot chocolate and croissant before deciding to take a walk around the place. It was nice. By the time I came back, it was 7 in the evening.

I wasn't really feeling hungry so I declined when Julie asked me if I wanted to eat anything. I dragged myself to my room and flopped down on the bed. I hated myself for getting involved with him again. My breathing cut short when tears started to fall out of my eyes yet once again. I made no effort to wipe them away. I was tired.

I hated that I still cried over him. I was really a fool to believe that I was over him. Before I knew it, I had cried myself to sleep.

For the next two days we spent 3-4 hours practicing the music we would play mainly focusing on our newest song. On the night before the wedding I could hardly sleep. I spent the night tossing and turning. Before I knew it the sun had risen and it was the next day.

I Wanna Be Yours (Suna x Reader)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя