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"W-What?", i ask Johnny in shook.

"Do you want to come with me to Ali's party on Friday?"

"Um, yeah! That sounds nice!", I say while pulling him into a hug. As I pull out of the hug, I look down at a watch on my wrist. "Fuck!", i shout.

"What's wrong? Are you okay?", Johnny says in panic.

"Yeah I'm okay, but I was supposed to go get Danny over an hour ago! I'm sorry Johnny, I've got to go!". I stand up and start to run back to the school. Johnny stands up and starts to run after me. He catches up to me and stops me. "If you're going back to the school let me drive you there. I know it's about a mile from here and I would feel bad."

"Okay fine, but please be quick."
"I am so sorry Danny, I was hanging out with Johnny and I didn't realize how much time had passed and", I started saying to Danny. He was waiting for outside of Mr.Johnson's room for almost two hours.

"It's al- wait? You were hanging out with Lawerence?! The guy that beat us both up? Why?!"

"Danny he had just offered to. We both had nothing else to do."

"Wait, you were the one helping him?" Johnny said from behind me. I thought he had already left? Why is intruding on our conversation?!

"Why are you still here Johnny?", i turned around and shouted at him.

"I didn't know what this weirdo would do to you y/n"

"Hey watch your mouth Johnny!" Daniel said taking a step closer.

"Or what?", Johnny said doing the same. God please don't start to fight.

"Just stop it! Both of you! C'mon Daniel, let's just go home.", I say abruptly to stop them from starting to fight.

"No way, you went and hung out with Johnny while I was here waiting for you. You can home with your little boy toy." Daniel runs away from me and Johnny. I start to go after Daniel but Johnny grabs my hand. "Don't go after him. He's not worth it."

"Are you kidding me Johnny? He's my friend! I care about him! I can't believe you Johnny."  I yank my hand out of his grip and run away from him.
"Okay, for this science project, I will be choosing your partners. Daniel, you'll be with Ali", Ms.Swanson said. After yesterday's events at the school, I've been trying to talk to Danny. He keeps on ignoring me and acting like I don't exist. I feel so bad for what I did to him.

"Johnny, you'll be with y/n"

Fuck. Out of all the people in this class why did she choose me?

"Alright, everyone may move to a partners desk and begin."

Johnny decided to move over to my seat. "Hey, how are you after last night?"

"I'm doing absolutely fantastic, a very good friend of mine isn't speaking to me anymore!" I say in a sarcastic tone.

"Look I'm sorry. I shouldn't have remembered that you needed to go back to Daniel and I shouldn't have been rude to him. I didn't know you two were friends."

"Thank you, can we just get this project over with"

"Yeah, i do have a question though."

"What is it?"

"Do you still want to come with me to the party on Friday? I completely understand if you don't want to anymore."

"Sure, I already said yes and it would be kind of rude to just drop it out of no where"

"Okay! Can I get your address so I can pick you up?", Johnny said while starting to smile and blush.

"Yeah, can we get back to the project though?"

"Oh, I guess we can."
(Hey guys! I might start posting Monday, Wednesday, and Fridays. Also btw, I love all of you and you are all very special to me! As always if you want to see something in the story just leave a comment and I might add it to the story! Have a wonderful day/night and remember to eat if you haven't already and drink some water <3)

lay all your love on me | johnny lawrence x readerOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora