Chapter 6: After Last Night & Just the Beginning

Start from the beginning

Looking away from Louis’ eyes, Harry says, “Um, what if – and this is just hypothetical, - What if I… did  let him stay over last night?”

“You totally did,” Niall declares.

“N- no, I didn’t!” Harry denies, avoiding any eye contact with them. “I said that was hypothetical!”

“And there you go, lying to us again,” Louis says exasperatedly.

“You let him f*** you last night; it’s so obvious, Harry,” Zayn states with a shrug.

The curly-haired lad sputters and looks at him. “How could you kn- even think  that? N- nothing happened between me and Liam last night. He’s just – He’s being very neighbourly by cooking me breakfast this morning. That’s it. He helped out a lot yesterday, so… Oh, shut up. You don’t know me.”

“He broke you.”

“No, he didn’t, Lou. Just let it go, okay? After breakfast, I’ll ask him to leave.”

“Just do it now, Harry. I doubt he’s gonna leave right after breakfast. And stop denying the fact that you slept with him, cuz you so did!” Louis exclaims, gesturing at Harry. “You’re wearing what I’m assuming is his  shirt! I doubt you even own a Batman shirt, since you know absolutely nothing  about comics and superheroes.”

“Well, maybe I just got into it,” Harry counters.

“Because Liam  is into it?

Before Harry could say anything in return, Liam pops his head out from the kitchen and calls out to him. “I finished cooking our breakfast, Hazza! You can eat now.”

“What the heck is a ‘Hazza’? Is that a secret code thing you have with him?” Louis demands Harry.

“What? No. It’s just his nickname for me.”

“Oh. Wow. So, now you’re on ‘nickname’ terms. Great. Just great, Harold. Not only are you f***ing your insane neighbour, but you’re letting him call you lame nicknames so he can sweet-talk you into letting him have his way with you any time he wants. Do you realize how weak you are for him already?”

“I’m not ‘weak’ for him. Just – Can you guys leave and not  do this again? I thought someone actually broke in here.”

“And what if Liam did? Would you have jumped him?” Louis retorts.

“Get out, Lou. I’m tired and hungry, and I really can’t deal with you right now,” Harry says as he ushers them to the front door. “When I’m done eating breakfast, I’ll ask Liam to leave nicely, then you guys can come back. Just stop nagging me.”

Louis snorts as soon as Harry manages to push them over the threshold. “Oh, please. You just want more alone  time with your new ‘boyfriend’.”


After shutting the front door in their faces, Harry sighs and leans back against it. He doesn’t expect Liam to be standing just a few feet away from him, which makes him yelp in surprise. Liam raises an eyebrow and slowly approaches him, placing gentle hands on Harry’s arms to not spook him out again.

“Everything alright?”

“No, it really isn’t. My friends are – Well, you probably heard what they were saying about you.”

“Yes, but I’m choosing to ignore them. I hope you do too,” Liam responds, taking one last step to be as close to Harry as he can. He smiles and leans down to place a kiss on Harry’s lips.

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