Chapter 14

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-Aelin's POV-

I watched Asterin just walk through the wall, and I knew I needed to follow, one glance at Rowan told me he knew exactly what I was thinking. He didn't even try and stop me as I stepped through.

The darkness was pulling at me from every direction, then I was pushed out, into a beautifully furnished room. Asterin was there, perched on a plush white sofa.

It was hot and stuffy inside and I wished I had changed before coming. I heard the others appearing behind me, I turned and Feyre was smiling.

"Welcome to The Night Court, sorry about the mess in here, I wasn't really expecting guests when I left this morning."

I grinned at her.

"This is beautiful, you could have mentioned it was the middle of summer though, this place is boiling."

She flicked her fingers and the windows at the end of the room opened a cooling breeze blew through the room.


"No problem, now, who would like a tour of my home?"

-Feyre's POV-

Having Aelin and her court in my home was a little intimidating.

"Feyre, Feyre Ressina is here looking for you, she says you didn't turn up to your afternoon lesson."

Elain's voice filled the manor. I motioned for everyone to stay where they were, and I walked out of my office. Elain was stood at the bottom of the stairs with Ressina stood next to her.

"Oh, there you are, is everything ok?"

"Well, some stuff may have happened today, let's just says we now have some guests, I'm sorry Ressina, I will tell you everything tomorrow I promise."

"Hey, it's all good, as long as you are ok that is all I care about, see you tomorrow." She turned and walked out of the door.

"Feyre, who are these guests you spoke about, I haven't heard anyone all day."

"Ok, well, super long story short, I fell through a portal into another world, I met the queen of the world and her court, we got attacked, there is now a portal in my office and the queen and court are all here."

She stared at me wide eyed, I put a hand on her shoulder, and she blinked.

"There is a queen in your office?"

"As I am now in a different dimension I don't know if you could still call me a queen, but I'm nice, I promise."

I looked over my shoulder to see Aelin stood just outside my office door, I turned back to Elain.

"If you don't want to stay you can go up to the house, Cassian or Azriel can take you."

"No, no, it's ok, I'll go and ask Nuala and Cerridwen to make tea, err, how many people are here?"

"Our court, plus the eleven in Aelin's court so seventeen total, including you."

"Ok, I will be right back."

"Take your time, we are going round the city first," I called after her.

She dashed down the corridor that leads to the kitchen and I turned back to Aelin.

"That was my sister Elain, she can get a little spooked after everything that happened last year."

Aelin just smiled at me and asked if I happened to have any clothes she could change into, her fighting gear was a little too hot.

I went back into my office and told the women to come with me and Mor, the men went with Rhys. the wardrobe in the bedroom had all of Rhys's clothes inside, I had an entire room with all of my clothes and jewellery.

"And I thought I had a lot of clothes," it was Aelin that spoke.

"Rhysand's mother made them all for me, before she had even met me. I never got a chance to meet her, but these dresses make me feel close to her spirit."

Aelin turned to me and gave me a small smile.

"You pick what we wear, you know your city the best and I don't want to take anything you don't want me to."

I went to my draw and picked out a set of pants and a cropped top for each of them, burnt orange for Aelin, pale blue for Yrene, slate grey for Elide, lilac for Lysandra, I offered a blood red set to Manon, but she just waved her hand and I put them away.

Once they had all changed, we went out to meet the boys who were all in their own night court attire we went down to the foyer and then out into the awaiting city beyond.

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