Chapter 13

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-Feyre's POV-

I saw a rather pale Amren sat up on a large bed, not dissimilar to the one I had woken on.

"So, you have a cousin, that's nice to know."

"She told you, did she?"

"Asterin huh, nice name."

She smirked "Thanks."

"Why did you want to talk to me?"

"The thing that we killed to get you back, it has opened a portal between our two dimensions, before I killed it, it spoke into my mind that I could not close it, no matter how hard I tried. I know how to move it though; I just need to know where in Velaris it is."

"It's in the middle of the bridge that crosses the Sidra, between the Rainbow and the town house."

"I don't suppose you have a place I could put it in the manor, do you?"

I laughed "I think that may have to be a question for Rhys, although I don't mind it in my study, it is the only out of the way room, and I always lock it."

"Ok, help me up, I will need Aelin's help with it, and your blood."

"Oh great, like I haven't been through enough today."

We walked back into the main area and Amren repeated herself to the rest of them. Aelin asked how she could help.

"Wyrdmarks." Was Amren's reply.

"So, what you are trying to tell me is that there is a permanent opening between our worlds, you are going to put your half in Feyre's study and the other half somewhere in Terresen."

Rowan was frowning at us.

"Unless you would prefer me to keep it in the middle of a bridge and you have random people falling into your home, yes, that is exactly what I am saying."

Aelin said she knows where we can put it.

She took us down to her throne room, walking through it and out a set of glass doors behind her throne.

Through the doors was a stunning courtyard, on one side there was a small patio with a bedroom beyond that, the remaining two walls were almost blank, one had a rose bush growing up it, the other had an archway of symbols etched into the stone.

I stopped dead. everyone stared at me. Rhys was suddenly there, telling me to look at him. I tore my gaze away from the wall to look into his star flecked eyes.

"What is the matter Feyre?"

"Those marks, the Book of Breathing was made from those marks, that archway makes up the page that I had the book open to when everything went to shit in Hybern's castle."

"Are you sure?" It was Amren that spoke.

"As the book was trying to kill me with those marks, yes, I am pretty damn sure, although they weren't in that order, the ones in the book were reversed."

Aelin looked thoughtful before turning back to the arch way. She stared at it for a while before turning back to me.

"I think I made this Book of Breathings."

"What!" It was the only word I could get out of my mouth.

"I told you about forging the lock, banishing the gods, as I fell through the worlds back to my body I needed to slow down. I fell through your world, I saw you both, I reached out with my power and you did the same, I used the power you flung at me to slow down, I drew wyrdmarks in the air as I did so. I didn't think much of it at the time, but two forces pulled at me, they took the wyrdmarks from me, the Wyrdmarks in this archway are to forever protect, the same Wyrdmarks reversed drain life."

I stared at her in shock, she couldn't have created the book, it was forged as the world was made but maybe she fused these marks to it, changed it. I shook my head.

"It doesn't matter now, the book is gone, and we have a portal to move before anyone from the Night Court falls through, or someone enters out home."

Amren wordlessly passed me a knife. Rhys frowned at her, not knowing what I intended to do. I held the knife to my skin, slicing open my arm with a hiss.

"What the heck Feyre."

"Would you shut up; it is taking all of my focus to stop this from closing."

Aelin stepped forwards, taking my arm and dipping her fingers in my blood. She drew the marks under the archway, following Amren's instructions. She nodded at me when she was done and I let the cut on my arm close, feeling a little dizzy from the blood loss.

Amren stepped forwards and slit her own arm, drawing one more mark in the middle of the ring Aelin created. the wall rippled then stilled.

"Is that it!" Cassian demanded.

Amren just grinned at him before stepping through the wall. 

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