17 : buying a gift.

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3rd Person POV

After sending off the Yuzuvier couple to the airport, Jake immediately called a taxi to take them to their date destination.

Jake was planning on spoiling Sunghoon today. Being born in a rich family gives you that power. The first place they went to is called La Rambla. Barcelona's Social Hub.

As they got there, it was moderately packed with tourists and locals alike. Sunghoon had a permanent smile fixed on his face as he walked slowly, taking in the beauty of the place. Jake just hanged back, admiring Sunghoon instead. Oh how whipped he is.

Sunghoon wanted to take selfies with Jake and he obeyed. Surprisingly, they haven't had any run ins with fans. Jake was glad he brought masks.

They wondered around the place for awhile, Sunghoon taking pictures for memories. Jake had fun seeing Sunghoon happy but he wanted to be happy too and he was about to.

He spotted the jewelry store he wanted to buy a gift from. They stopped and sat at a bench near the store.

"Hoon, Can you stay here for awhile? I have somewhere to go.", Sunghoon tilted his head to the right in confusion.

"Where? You're not bailing on me, are you?", He pouted sadly, his eyes glistening.

Jake chuckled and shook his head, smiling. It quickly made Sunghoon smile.

"It's a gift I wanted to buy for you but I didn't have time to. There goes my secret...", Jake sighed.

"Gift? Oh! I didn't hear that. Yeah, go ahead and do what you wanted to do. I'll stay here.", Sunghoon said, pretending he didn't just hear what Jake said.

Jake chuckled and ruffled his boyfriend's fluffy hair.

"Good boy. I'll be back soon.", He said and stood up from the bench, going to the jewelry store.

Sunghoon surfed through Instagram and read the comments on his post which was of him, Jake and the Yuzuvier couple. Most of them were freaking out over the four of them being in the same picture. It amused him.

Jake pushed open the door open and the worker there greeted him in Spanish before gasping in surprise.

"J-Jake?!", Jake didn't expect to see a young man looking at him in shock, covering his mouth.

"Oh, hi?", Jake grinned sheepishly and waved.

The young man squealed and suddenly hugged him. Jake was surprised but hugged back.

"Are you an Engene?", the young fan nodded without looking up.

After awhile, another worker there had to pull the fan away from Jake which made him frown but he was in a hurry.

"Timothee, behave yourself! He's a customer!", the worker shouted-whispered to the boy apparently named Timothee.

Timothee looked down and muttered a soft sorry.

Jake smiled. Timothee is a cute name. Just like it's owner.

"No, it's fine. I can give you my autograph if he wants?", Timothee nodded, excitedly.

Timothee held out his phone and asked him to sign the phone case which Jake did. He added a little heart with Timothee's name. Timothee looked at the signature on his phone case with star eyes.

"Th-Thank you! I will never change this case ever.", The joke made Jake laugh heartily.

"I'm sorry about Timo. He's just a big fan of you and he kinda pulled me into stanning your group.", Jake raised his eyebrow in surprise.

Did he have this many fanboys before?

"Oh? Who's your bias?", the other fanboy chuckled.

"Sunoo. He's just so cute!", Jake was amused. The other fanboy realised what he said as he felt flustered.

Timothee snorted and elbowed his friend's side.

"See! Even you can't hold it back!", Timothee said, teasing his friend.

"What's your name?"

"Lee Siyoung. Yes, I'm Korean.", Siyoung said with a chuckle as Jake looked at him, surprised.

"I'm sorry he's not here with me. If he was, I would've definitely made him give an autograph.", Jake said sadly.

Siyoung smiled, shaking his head.

"It's fine. I can always go to your fansigns.", Jake chuckled and nodded, agreeing.

"Anyways, what are you looking for here? A gift for someone?"

It seemed like Siyoung was the boss in the store as Timothee went back behind the counter.

"I'm looking for a necklace.", Siyoung snapped his fingers.

"Great! We have a nice selection of necklaces perfect for a gift.", Jake beamed as Siyoung guided him to the showcase which layed beautiful necklaces of different sizes and designs.

"I suppose this is for Sunghoon?", Jake looked up in surprise.

"How'd you know...?", Siyoung chuckled.

"Anyone can connect the dots and see that you two are dating. You even screamed it out loud at the Grand Prix Finals.", Jake felt flustered as he blushed.

"Anyways, I have just the perfect necklace for him."


Jake walked out of the store thanking Siyoung for making the choice for him because he knew Jake would've took ages.

"If you decide to come back in the future, bring Sunoo next time and I'll give you a discount.", Siyoung told Jake with a teasing tone. Jake laughed heartily and nodded.

"I'll keep that in kind, thank you!", Siyoung smiled and nodded.

"I hope Sunghoon likes it.", Jake smiled and opened the necklace box, smiling at it.

"I hope so too."


a/n : siyoung is me if I met jake-
sorry for not updating for so long, school really is taking up my time but I have more time now so I'll definitely update more !

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