I can feel the lust radiating off of boys and a few girls, it feels great.

I soak it in and giggle at the feeling.

We make it to the lunchroom and it's the same thing, stares.

"Is it possible for us to be tipsy off of lust?" I laugh at her question. "Who knows, but I feel great." She agrees before we break off. She walks over to Dels while I walk over to my make shift friend group.

I go to pull the chair out but Mike beats me to it. I give a smile and sit down. Everyone stares at me so I decide to play dumb, "what? Why are you all looking at me like that?"

"You look hot!" Mike says.

As much as he annoys me I smile, "awww, I know." Jessica scoffs and rolls her eyes. The lust from everyone is making me feel good so I decide to be petty, " aww don't worry Jessica, Mike isn't my type. You can still chase after him." Mike face faulters and Jessica blushes. Angela hits me for being rude but the others laugh. "Why are you so dressed up will? The weather can't be the only reason." Tyler asks as he pulls out his hacky sack.

I debate on telling but I decide it wouldn't hurt, "going on a date with Hale, gotta let him see what he's gonna lose if he messes up." Everyone but Angela's jaw drops.

"What!? You're going on a date with Hale and didn't tell me!?" Jessica basically screams. I scrunch my face up in irritation, "you're not my friend, you're Angela's. So I don't have to tell you anything." She disregards my jab and looks at me like I'm crazy. "This is Jasper Hale! The quietest out of the Cullen's! The one who doesn't talk to anyone at all! and you asked him out in a date?"

"Willow asked who out on a date?" Bells asks as she sits down. "Jasper hale!" Bells looks at me with a glare that's doesn't go unmissed by me or Angela. "Did he turn you down? Seems kinda desperate to throw yourself at someone considering he is dating Alice."

Everyone looks at me in silence waiting for me to go off but I laugh instead, "first of all, I didn't ask anyone shit. He asked me out Isabella. Second off all, he isn't with Alice. I made sure of that before I said yes,-" I look her up and down and smirk to myself. "Learn how to dress before you come for me and maybe Edward would give you the time of day."

Her face drops and she looks down in embarrassment. The bell rings signaling we have 5 minutes before class starts. I stand up with Angela and walk out of the lunchroom

I walk into the lunchroom and see majority of the students outside. I try to spot Angela but I don't see her, I only see Jessica and Isabella. I huff and walk out the doors and towards them.

Jessica sees me and her face lights up. I sit down on top of the table and cross my legs. Jessica goes to say something but she notices Bella looking around. "The Cullen's aren't here."

"What they just skip?" Bells questions. What is she so nosey for?

Jessica shakes her head and stops basking in the sun, "no, doctor Cullen and his wife always calls them out when it's sunny and they go hiking or camping. I tried that on my parents, didn't work."

Bella hums and fiddles with her hands.

Suddenly Angela comes running up squealing, "guys! I took control just like you said and I asked Eric to the dance!"

Dreams • Jasper HaleWhere stories live. Discover now