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The crowd at the harbour waved as Anna's ship sailed away from Arendelle. Elsa held on to Olaf and let out a contented sigh as the rest of the wedding guests began to board their ships.

"I still don't understand why I can't go on honeymoon with them," said Olaf, sounding confused. "I mean, why do Anna and Kristoff want to spend time alone anyway?"

"It'll all make sense when you're older!" Elsa told him while bending down to ruffle his hair. "And anyway, you can come on our trip with us!"

Olaf smiled at Elsa and giggled, eager to go on their trip. Meanwhile, Joanna was talking to her parents.

"Are you sure you'll be okay?" her father asked, sounding concerned. "Your mother and I are worried about leaving you here. Rizucia won't be the same without you!"

"It's only for a couple of weeks Dad!" Joanna replied. "I think I'm old enough to be left on my own. And anyway, I'm sure Elsa will look after me!"

"Alright!" Joanna's mother said. "You know your father and I get worried, it's what parents do! Very well, you have your holiday, the ship will be waiting for you here when you get back."

"Aw, thank you!" Joanna said as she walked up to her parents, preparing to give them a hug. The three of them quickly embraced. "Bon voyage!" Joanna said to her parents as they boarded their ship.

Once the King and Queen of Rizucia had sailed away, Elsa walked up to Joanna. "Now then, our carriage awaits!" she said as she gestured in the direction of Sven. He was all ready to pull Kristoff's wagon and he was standing proudly in his harness.

"Oh, er, delightful!" Joanna said as she gave Sven a nervous wave.

"Are you ready Ryder?" Elsa called.

"Sure thing!" Ryder replied as he jumped into the wagon. He grabbed Olaf and pulled him in, his little snowman legs dangling over the side. Joanna climbed in with a little more grace. Elsa sat at the front and took the reins. Sven trotted away from the docks and took them in the direction of the North Mountain.

"I thought I'd take a little detour on our way to Northuldra," Elsa said while turning around to face everyone. "You've all got some warm clothes, yes?"

"Yes, we remembered!" Joanna replied, excited to see where she was being taken. After a while, they reached the North Mountain. Joanna could just make out something sparkling at the top of the mountain in the morning sun.

"What's that at the top?" asked Joanna. "Is that where we're going?"

"You'll see!" Elsa replied calmly.

As the wagon made its way up the mountain path, the group got closer to the summit. Joanna's eyes sparkled with delight when she realised what was at the top.

"It...it's a palace!" she exclaimed to Elsa before turning to Ryder. "Do you see it too? Isn't it beautiful!"

"Yes, I can see it!" Ryder smiled. He looked up and concentrated on it, dazzled by its beauty.

"I like to call it home," said Olaf. "It's got everything a snowman needs!"

The wagon continued up the mountain until they reached an icy staircase. Sven knew that he couldn't go any further, and he stopped while everyone else got out the wagon. As they all walked up the staircase to the ice palace, Ryder and Joanna gasped.

"Elsa, this is incredible!" Joanna said softly. "You made this?"

"Yes," Elsa said with a tinge of melancholy. "I remember when you asked me how I coped with my powers, and if I got angry. Well, on the day of my coronation I ran away, and ended up here. I let all of my anger and frustration go, and I made this place. I intended to stay here forever."

The Fire Queen - a sequel to Frozen 2Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora