A Confrontation

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Way north of Arendelle, Elsa was with the Northuldra in their forest camp. It was another beautiful summer morning in the forest, and everyone woke up and began to prepare for the day. Elsa stepped out of her tent, and was immediately confronted by her friend, Honeymaren.

"So, today's the day!" Honeymaren said excitedly. "Are you all ready for Anna's wedding?" she asked.

"Yes!" Elsa replied happily. "I'm all set to go back to Arendelle."

"You will remember what I said about my brother, won't you?" Honeymaren asked playfully. "I know that being the best man is a big responsibility, and I'm worried that he will find everything a little too much."

"Don't worry!" said Elsa as she put her hand on Honeymaren'st arm. "I'm sure Ryder will be fine. Of course I'll look out for him."

Just then Bruni, the fire spirit that took the form of a salamander, scurried up to them. Elsa picked him up and he started to run around in the palm of her hands.

"What is it?" Elsa asked curiously.

Bruni turned around, and beckoned Elsa to go north. She found the elder Yelena, and put together a scouting party to follow Bruni.

They embarked out of the camp, and soon they could see smoke billowing from the forest in the north. Now with a sense of urgency, they ran there as quickly as they could. When they reached the edge of the burning forest, the young woman in the red dress emerged, creating fire from her feet as she walked. She stood a good distance away from Elsa's party. Bruni had run on ahead, and he scampered up to the young woman.

"Aren't you cute!" the woman enthused while bending down to pick Bruni up. She held him in the palms of her hands, unfazed by how hot he was. Bruni scowled and looked like he was ready to pounce while flames rose up from his back. The young woman opened her eyes wide, tilted her head forward, and leaned in close to him.

"Oh, you make fire! Just like me!" she marvelled. "Do you want to be my pet?"

Bruni shook his head and cowered. He leapt out of her hands and scurried back to Elsa, who had just caught up. The young woman smirked as he ran away from her.

"Who are you?" Elsa asked the young woman fearfully.

"I am Freya, the Rizucian Queen of Fire!" she declared, raising her arms in the air. "And this forest is now part of my kingdom of ashes!" She laughed at Elsa's party, her eyes glowing bright.

"Well, Freya, I am Elsa, protector of Northuldra," Elsa replied as she narrowed her eyes. "And it's my duty to take care of this forest."

Elsa began to use her magic to put out the fires. Freya gasped as she stared at the icy shards emanating from Elsa's fingertips. She hunched over, and her gaze darted between Elsa and the trees.

"No!" Freya cried. "Stop it!"

Freya used her powers to start setting the trees on fire again, but Elsa quickly extinguished the flames. Freya clenched her fists and gritted her teeth as she glared at Elsa through fiery eyes. She cast a wall of fire in front of Elsa's party, and they all took a step backwards. Elsa put out the fire in front of her, and began to slowly walk towards Freya with a determined look on her face.

At the sight of this, Freya jolted upright, raised her arm over her mouth, and began to back up. "Keep away from me!" she shouted, and she shot a jet of fire right at Elsa. Without hesitation, Elsa raised her hand and fired a jet of ice to meet it. The streams of magical ice and fire met in the middle, reacting to give steam and water. The two women stopped where they were and faced each other down, not wanting to be the first to stop using their powers. After a few seconds, Freya smirked then pretended to be bored. She held her other hand up to her mouth to feign a yawn, then she inspected her nails.

The Fire Queen - a sequel to Frozen 2Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum