"Then by the power vested in me, I proclaim you man and wife," the bishop concluded. He turned to Kristoff. "You may kiss the bride."

Anna and Kristoff held each other and kissed. Elsa looked on and applauded with a huge smile on her face.

They had done it. They had finally done it. After all the heartache and effort, they were married. The congregation applauded them, then rose to their feet. In the front row, one young lady applauded louder than anyone else. Flanked by her parents and smiling as a tear rolled down her cheek, was Princess Joanna of Rizucia.

Anna and Kristoff walked out of the chapel hand in hand. The invited guests, including Olaf, threw confetti as they made their way down the chapel steps. Squeezing each other's hands tightly, they walked to the castle gates. The order was given, and the gates began to open.

Outside, the excitement amongst the crowd reached fever pitch. "Oh, we finally get to see them!" a woman enthused.

As the gates were almost fully opened, Anna and Kristoff waited. "Ready?" Anna said to Kristoff.

"I'm ready," he replied softly as he raised her hand. "Let's do this. Together."

"Together," Anna said while looking into his eyes.

"Queen Anna of Arendelle and Prince Kristoff of Arendelle!" Kai bellowed as he announced him.

The crowd went wild. The cheering and applauding was almost deafening as Anna and Kristoff walked out of the gates. They raised their free hands to wave to everyone while holding on tightly to each other.

"Our queen! Her prince!" a young woman exclaimed to her boyfriend while continuing to applaud them. "Isn't it romantic?" she asked him. He just nodded as he carried on clapping for them.

"Kiss!" came a call from the crowd. Anna chuckled a little.

"Shall we give them what they want?" Anna asked Kristoff. "After all, it's their big day too!"

"Why not?" he replied before he bent down and kissed her. The crowd cheered even louder.

After a few more minutes waving, Anna and Kristoff went back into the castle and the gates were closed behind them. The crowd dispersed and went away happy that the queen had welcomed the love of her life into her family. After that, the town was filled with street parties as the people of Arendelle celebrated their momentous day.

Back at the castle, Anna and Kristoff went back to the courtyard to talk to Olaf, Elsa and Sven.

"Now, are you sure you won't stay for the reception, Olaf?" Anna asked him as she giggled.

"Oh, no thank you," Olaf replied. "I need to get out of these clothes!"

"How do you think I feel?" Kristoff jokingly complained. "This is my life now!" he declared as he held his lapel.

"Don't worry honey," Anna said as she ruffled his hair. "You'll be back in leather before you know it!"

"And besides, I shall be the official representative of Queen Anna at the street parties!" Olaf said snootily. "They are much more my scene!" he quipped.

"Okay boys, have fun!" Anna called as Olaf toddled away.

"You too buddy!" Kristoff said to Sven. "I'm sure there will be lots of carrots there!"

Sven huffed contentedly then trotted after Olaf.

Meanwhile, the invited guests filed in through the main door for the wedding reception. Soldiers stood either side, stoically looking forwards with hands on their lances. Joanna recognised one of them and became alarmed, hiding behind her father so that she wouldn't be seen.

The Fire Queen - a sequel to Frozen 2Where stories live. Discover now