Return of the Princess

Start from the beginning

The crowd cheered again, and they threw out a chant of "Long live the king!"

The king and queen made their way back to their carriage and returned to the castle.

"Ah, wonderful to give the people some good news for a change!" the king told the queen as the carriage made its way through the streets of the town. "Now, with any luck we'll be trading with everyone in a few weeks. By then the people will be so happy that they won't mind hearing about Joanna!"

"Sounds like a plan!" the queen enthused. "Now, if we're going to present her I need to get her ready!"

"Why certainly!" the king replied. "Take all the time you need!"

When the king and queen returned to the castle, Joanna was waiting for them. She smiled as she ran to them and gave them a hug.

"Hello!" she said to them. "What have you been doing?" she asked as she looked up at her father.

The king put his arm around the queen. "We've just told everyone that the country is open!" he told Joanna as he smiled. "Everyone is so excited! Hopefully trade will make people happy, then we'll be able to tell them anything. We'll be able to tell them about you!"

Joanna smiled. "Oh, I do hope that will work!" she enthused. "But I've been thinking. There are some things I'd like to give to the people when I finally get to see them. Can we get them from Arendelle?" she asked.

"I suppose so," the king said as he shrugged his shoulders. "But why don't we talk about that another time?" he suggested. "How about we relax for now?" he asked.

Joanna nodded and smiled at her parents. "Anna and Elsa taught me how to play some card games, do we have a deck?" she asked.

"Card games?" the king exclaimed. "What a marvellous idea!" He walked over to a cupboard and quickly found what he was looking for. They all sat down at a table.

"Now then, what shall we play?" the king asked as he shuffled the deck.

"How about we start with Snap?" Joanna suggested as she laughed a little.

"Oh alright," the queen said. "One game of Snap, but maybe something more sophisticated after that?"

"Oh, okay!" Joanna replied, as the newly-united family settled down to an evening of card games.

A few days passed. Rizucia fast became a hive of activity. Lumberjacks hacked away in the forests to get wood to make a new fleet of ships. Carpenters eagerly constructed the ships at the docks. And all the while, the repairs to the buildings in the town continued. Then one day, a fleet of Arendellian ships appeared over the horizon. They docked, and around a dozen traders got out and set up their stalls. Amongst them was Oaken, an enormous, ginger-haired man who had an established business in Arendelle.

"Yoo hoo! Rizucians!" he cooed to the gathering crowds as he gave them a little wave. "Come and buy your Arendellian goods here! We have cloaks, cuckoo clocks, remedies, and personal saunas! All of the best quality ja?"

The Rizucians eagerly mingled around all the Arendellian stores, marvelling at everything they had to sell. They were all doing a brisk trade, especially Oaken. In amongst the fervent activity came the royal carriage.

"Make way for the king!" an accompanying soldier shouted. The carriage stopped and the king emerged. The king took in a lungful of bracing sea air.

"Ah, trade has returned to these shores!" he declared. With his guards, he stepped up to Oaken's stall.

"Arendellian traders, welcome to Rizucia!" he boomed with his arms out.

"Your Majesty!" Oaken called as he jogged over from behind his stall. He bowed to the king. "My queen has told me to give you something special ja?"

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