"She was cursed at birth with dark magic," Anna continued. "My sister Elsa, who knows more about magic than anyone, found out how to break the curse. The girl with us now is not the same girl who burned down our kingdoms. She is not a threat anymore. If she was, we wouldn't be here. She needs help. Rizucia is her home. If your king decides that she needs to be punished, then I'm sure she will be. Justice will be done."

Anna held her hands to her heart and leaned forwards, imploring the Rizucians to leave them be. The crowd talked amongst themselves, and many started to back away.

"Now please, let us pass!" Anna insisted.

The crowd continued to back away, and Elsa slowly made the imposing wall of ice disappear. The soldiers escorted them to the waiting carriage, where they all just about fitted in. The carriage began its journey to the castle.

"Phew, that was close!" Kristoff exclaimed as he put his hand on Anna's knee. "We're safe thanks to you. You handled that like a true queen!" he said to her.

Along the way Joanna looked out of the window and saw several houses that had burned to the ground. She turned and looked up at her mother.

"I want to make this right!" she said earnestly.

"All in good time sweetheart," her mother replied as she held her hand. "All in good time."

The carriage made its way to the imposing gates of Rizucia castle. The guards saw the carriage approaching, and began to open the gates. Once they were open, the carriage went through and into the castle courtyard. The guards didn't hesitate in closing the gates as quickly as possible.

Joanna noticed people in the far corner of the courtyard still cleaning up after the fire. She bit her bottom lip and swung her arms a little as she felt the urge to go and help them. Anna, Elsa and Kristoff looked around to take in their surroundings. The king took his handler to one side for a moment before joining everyone else.

"You are in luck!" the king bellowed. "The recovery from the fire is going well, and the castle kitchen is stocked with the finest food and drink our kingdom has to offer. With many of my personal favourites, I might add! We may have been closed off, but we are self sufficient in all manner of culinary delights! But first, how about a walk around the courtyard?"

"Certainly!" Anna said. "I think we could all do with a short walk to calm down after all that excitement!" she said as she smiled. They slowly made their way around the recently tidied courtyard while the king told them all about the history of the castle. Joanna listened attentively too, she knew that she had a lot to learn.

Once they had made their way around the courtyard, they were invited into the castle itself. The staff tried not to stare as they all made their way in. The king led them through the main castle corridor and into the dining room, where they found a butler finishing off laying the table. He finished his work and slinked away.

They all took their places. The king and queen sat on one side of the table and Joanna slid in between them. Elsa, Anna and Kristoff sat on the other side. Elsa smiled at Joanna who looked at both of her parents then smiled right back.

"I can't tell you how happy we are to have Joanna back," the king told them. "Thank you so much!"

"It's been our pleasure!" Anna replied. "It has been an eventful few days..." she admitted.

"How on earth did Joanna get to Arendelle?" the king sputtered.

"I can tell you Dad," Joanna said as she put her hand on his arm. "After I did what I did here, I got a man to take me out to sea. He told me that Arendelle was the closest kingdom. I arrived in a place called Northuldra a couple of days after we left."

The Fire Queen - a sequel to Frozen 2Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя