Freya moved on to a similar scene, but this time she was about three.

"Okay, I'm going to teach you how to read," her mother said, tentatively opening a child's book. "You see this letter here? This is an 'a'," she said while pointing at it.

"No book!" the young Freya shouted.

Freya raised her fingers to her mouth and giggled as she saw her younger self touch the book and set it on fire. Her mother quickly snuffed the fire out with her hands.

"Don't do that!" the vision of her mother said sternly. "Do I have to get the water again?"

Freya thought about how she'd always been too much to handle. She wondered if she would be shown the reason why she had her powers, but her train of thought was interrupted by the sound of a baby crying.

"Come on you, time to get clean," a vision of her father said. Freya saw herself as an infant, and her father was trying to give her a bath. She was crying her eyes out, and screamed when her father poured water over her head. "Oh come now, it can't be that bad!" her father insisted.

Freya lunged forward, trying to touch the vision and rescue her infant self, but all she could do was stare in horror. She knew she would have been in pain, but she was powerless to do anything about it. Running up to the vision of her father, she mouthed "Take her out! Take her out!" at him.

Just then, her mother raced into the vision. "What are you doing?" she scowled at her father.

"I'm getting her clean! And look, no fire!" he said while holding the infant Freya's hand.

"She doesn't like it!" her mother told him sternly. "Come here sweetheart," she said as she whisked her daughter out of the bath. The vision of the infant Freya was wrapped in a towel, and she started to giggle as her mother dried her. Freya herself sighed in relief and whispered "Thank you" at her mother.

"There, that's better!" her mother declared as she tickled her daughter on the tummy. The infant Freya giggled, burbled, and threw her arms out in happiness. A tiny fireball shot from her finger. "Oh, careful!" her mother said while laughing a little.

Freya watched intently while keeping a slight smile and resting her chin on her hand. She'd never seen her mother display so much affection for her before.

The next vision Freya saw was of herself as a baby. She was giggling happily, but small flames were shooting out of her fingers as she moved her arms around.

"What do we do?" a worry-stricken younger vision of her mother said.

"The only thing we can do," her father said solemnly. "We can't let anyone know about her powers. I'll order the guards to shut the castle gates. We'll close off the kingdom. Permanently."

Freya felt tears well up in her eyes. She had just seen the moment where she was condemned to a life alone. She wasn't sure if she wanted to see any more.

She walked along to see one more vision. It was of her mother and father, much younger looking than before, and sitting at a table. On the other side there was an old man sat bent over, wearing a tattered robe. Freya assumed he was a wizard of some kind.

"Look, we wouldn't usually get involved in this sort of thing, but we're desperate," the image of her father said.

"Yes, we've been trying to have a child for so long now, we'll do anything," the vision of her mother added.

"Can you help us?" her father asked.

The old man sat back in his chair and placed his fingertips together. "Hmmm, perhaps," he said in a small, croaky voice. "I do have one potion in my collection that may suit your needs. If you take it, you will have a child. But beware, taking this potion has...unforeseen consequences!" he said as he chuckled to himself.

The Fire Queen - a sequel to Frozen 2Where stories live. Discover now