"Hey! You! What's all this?" Freya barked at him while pointing to the bunting.

The man tutted to himself. "Aren't you late for the wedding?" he asked without turning round. He went back to his hammering.

"Wedding? What wedding?" Freya demanded to know.

The man sighed and turned to face Freya. He was struck by how elegant she looked, despite her bratty attitude. He started to make his way down the ladder.

"Let me guess," the man said confidently. "You're the daughter of an ambassador, you didn't get a wedding invite, and you got bored and left your ship?" he concluded.

"Just tell me who is getting married," Freya replied in frustration.

"Oh, sure," the man said. "Today is the wedding of our queen, Anna of Arendelle. She's marrying the love of her life, a mountain man by the name of Kristoff. It's a real rich-meets-poor fairy tale!" he enthused.

"Fascinating," Freya said sarcastically while rolling her eyes. "This 'Anna'," she continued, "is she any relation to a woman called Elsa?"

"Oh, so I see you know some of our history!" the man said. "Yes, Elsa is Anna's older sister," he declared.

Freya was confused. "Older sister?" she asked. "Then how come Anna is queen and Elsa isn't?"

"Oh that's a long story!" the man replied, scratching his head. "I don't understand it myself."

Freya sighed and folded her arms. "Just give me the gist of it," she said in exasperation while looking at her nails.

"Well, m'lady," the man said, starting to get a little nervous, "Elsa abdicated awhile ago so she could live up north. It's something to do with the Northuldra, spirits, er, I don't know..." the man said as he trailed off.

"So that's where Elsa is now? At her sister's wedding?" Freya asked.

"It's where everyone is!" the man quickly replied. "All the invited guests are in the castle, and all the townsfolk are waiting outside. It's just muggins here who's been given a few odd jobs to do."

Freya had heard enough. "Thank you," she said mockingly. "You've been very helpful. But I think you might want to check that bunting over there," she said while pointing. "It looks like it's on fire to me."

"What?" the man replied in shock as Freya fired a small fireball from her fingertips that set the bunting alight. The man rushed to put it out, but Freya used her powers to start more and more fires. She marched towards the castle, throwing fireballs into buildings as she went. She laughed to herself as building after building caught fire. She felt like a child in a sweet shop, setting fire to everything and anything she wanted to.

A menacing pride entered Freya as she watched everything around her burn. She laughed as she watched the man pitifully try and put out the fires. She stood in front of a toy shop. "That's it, burn!" she said out loud as she fired a jet of flame inside it. She watched as the dolls and toys burned to cinders. "No toys for anyone today!" she said as the flames in her eyes burned bright.

As Freya made her way to the castle, she could see and hear throngs of people waiting outside the shut gates, eagerly and patiently waiting to catch a glimpse of the newly married royal couple. Guards were on patrol, looking wary. She knew there were too many people to get past, so she looked for another way in.

She walked around the castle walls until the excited noises from the crowd became very distant. She looked up, jumped, and turned herself into a fireball to propel herself on top of the ramparts. She hid behind a parapet, and looked down onto the courtyard below. There, she could see two soldiers standing guard at the front door of the chapel, holding their lances across each other to block the door. She could hear music, and she knew that all the guests must be inside.

The Fire Queen - a sequel to Frozen 2Where stories live. Discover now