Chapter Two (Candy's POV)

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I open the Mystery Shack's door. Stan grunts as he puts his hand it the air as if too lazy to even wave to me. I walk up the stairs, my sleeping bag tucked under my arm, and knock on the upstairs door. "Candy!" smiles Mabel as she pulls me into a deep hug. I giggle as we both look at eachother and yell "SLEEPOVER!" Mabel and I both laugh as she takes my things and welcomes me into her room. "It's a shame Grenda's sick." I say as I look around the room. Mabel sighs as she puts my things in the closet. "Grenda really brightens up a party! But I'm sure we can still have fun." I smile as I sit on Mabel's bed. "So..." I say "Is Dipper here?" Mabel walks over and sits beside me "No he said he was going out." I sigh "Probably with Pacifica." Mabel looks at me awkwardly. "You mean you don't know they're dating?" I say. Mabel looks shocked "WHAT?!?" She yells. I pull out some photographs from my pocket and show them to Mabel. "Pacifica and Dipper have been spending a lot of time together. This one even shows them holding hands." Mabel looks shocked. "Woah woah woah...wait a second." Mabel looks at me and then squeals. "Following him around? Blushing when you think about him? Jealousy?!?" Mabel says. "YOU HAVE A CRUSH ON DIPPER!" Yells Mabel. "Shh!" I whisper. "Yes." I say awkwardly as I away my legs back and forth. "But he's with Pacifica,and he doesn't even notice me anyways." Mabel lays her hand on my shoulder. "Dipper and Pacifica can't be dating, Im sure those pictures were taken out of context. Believe me, Dipper would never fall for Pacifica." says Mabel.

Book Two - Pacifica vs. CandyWhere stories live. Discover now