This Was A Really Bad Idea

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"I'm not sure about this." She stared at her reflection in the mirror. "There's a stranger threatening me. I'm waging war with the kingdom. Then there's the wedding. And Kit's problems. And yours. And Irene's"

"You'll be alright Jane." Emma met her eyes in the mirror with a smile. 'It's a ball. Not much can happen here."


"You look magnificent."

"Thank you." She met Kit's gaze with a smile as they waited for their cue. He wore an elegant black suit somehow more exquisite than the hundreds he'd worn before. "You are devastatingly handsome. I'd be surprised if no one attempts to steal you away later on." It still amazed her how she could fall in love all over again each time she laid eyes on him.

"It's not too late to run you know," he whispered, grinning as she poked him, just as the palace's head servant announced them.

"His Majesty, Prince Nicholas Pembrooke and Lady Jane Wilson."

"Thank you," She mouthed to Berkley as she placed her arm on Kit's. Since their family's news of debt broke out, no one had been willing to employ the Wilson's former servants. Except the royals of course.

As they descended the stairs, Jane couldn't help thinking 'Don't trip, don't trip, don't trip'. She had a history of embarrassing herself in front of large crowds of people. Whether it was spilling a drink, mistaking someone else for the prince or tripping on the hem of her bloody dress, she had no shortage of moments she'd wish to forget. And by some unknown miracle, she reached the bottom of the winding staircase without incident, only to watch in horror as Kit stumbled next to her.

"Well," Kit cleared his throat as Jane caught him. "I always knew I would be the one falling for you." He straightened up and offered his arm. "A dance, my dear?"

The waltz was well over halfway done before either of them spoke, each trying their best not to start another scene.

"You faked it didn't you?"

"I don't know what you mean"

"The fall. You did it on purpose." She poked him as he tried to suppress a smile. "It was for the joke wasn't it? You did it for the stupid joke."

"It isn't stupid." She poked him again. "I'm just that kind of partner."

"You're every kind of partner." Jane rolled her eyes before her dancing became stiff and her eyes remained fixed on one point of the hall.

"What's wrong?" Kit asked, twirling her.

"James," she whispered as they exited the dance floor. "There." She jutted her chin to a man that very much resembled her brother.

"He's here?"

"Don't engage," she whispered, grabbing a plate and stacking ten different kinds of pastries on top. "We need to meet your sister."

"And this is for the meeting?"

"Don't be ridiculous." She slapped his hand away from a scone as they found a table. "This is for me. Have you never seen me eat before?"

"I recall you finishing an entire pie once.' He raised a brow. "But I always thought Emmeline helped you. Now I see you are perfectly capable." He watched her finish a tart. "How do you fit into your dresses?"

"There's a thing called exercise, my dear." She let him steal a muffin. "Do you see Irene anywhere?"

"No, I don't think." His eyes travelled the room, looking for his sister, now queen of the kingdom. There was something about Jane's brother that unsettled him. James had a history, one they didn't discuss, but the satisfied look on his face made Kit worry. He continued observing the room, finding his sister conversing with Emma Sernine when suddenly he put an arm around his partner's shoulder and bent down.

"EVERYBODY DOWN!" He shouted just as a gunshot freed itself into the room.


2 years ago.

"So you're the prince."

"James Wilson." Nicholas swallowed, finding himself talking to a man he'd admired for years. Looking at the legend, it was hard to find similarities to Jane in his features. None at all in fact. How odd. "Hello."

"You're the one my sister is talking so much about."

"Well, yes. I... I suppose so." He rubbed the back of his neck. "I mean we're only friends—"

"'Friends' more than enough to break her." James said, his english tinted with a bit of accent from his travels. "Do you think as highly of her as she does you?"

"I guess..."

"Do you have any intention of wedding Jane?"

"What are you talking about?" Nicholas felt his cheeks redden. "I don't know her that well. I'm not even sure you should be asking me these questions."

"Look, your highness," James lowered his voice. "I'm about to do something I'll regret. It is irreparable. And I fear it may change Jane."

"Why are you telling me this?"

"Because she needs a friend." He looked at his sister sitting in a corner, drinking champagne. "She needs someone there for her through everything. Blindly or not."

"Someone who will take the fall with her," Nicholas muttered.

"Yes." James nodded. "Lover or not, she needs a friend. Before you are her fiance, you are her friend. Before you are her husband, you are her friend. Before anything else, you are her friend. After all of that, you are her friend first." he said, looking at a confused prince. "Not family. You can't trust family."

"I'm sorry, what exactly—"

"Give this to her." he pulled out an envelope from his coat. It was plain, without address. "I'm about to disappear, but if you do become her friend," he sighed. "If you hurt her—" He flashed the inside of his coat, revealing a gun hidden in the lining. "Understand?"

"I understand, but sir," James laughed at the formal title. "Aren't you her family?"

"Well I'm about to desert her aren't I?"

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